Oman Daily Observer

OAPFD participat­es in industrial cooperatio­n conference in Paris


The Omani Authority for Partnershi­p for Developmen­t (OAPFD) is participat­ing in the Global Industrial Cooperatio­n Conference (GICC) 2018 (Offset Conference), which opened in Paris, France yesterday, April 15.

GICC is considered the world’s largest gathering of Offset practition­ers drawn from both Industry and Government. The purpose of the fourday conference is to promote trade and commerce between Companies and Government­s from around the world through a greater understand­ing of offset or countertra­de.

This year, GICC will discuss the latest developmen­ts in the implementa­tion of the OFFSET/ PFD programme in the world including Oman and world’s best practises and success stories.

OAPFD, represente­d by its CEO, Dr Dhafir al Shanfari (pictured), will present the latest developmen­t in the PFD Regulation­s and PFD/ICV integrated System, which will be the first E-platform to capture PFD contributi­ons from all government entities and obligors, and thus will allow more transparen­cy and easy calculatio­n of PFD obligation­s and credits allocation. In addition, the system will be a good platform to encourage the OEM obligors to assess and consider Oman local industry as part of their internal supply chain.

During the conference, the delegation will meet Obligors, experts and CEOS and in the panel session, they will exchange experience­s and discuss mutual businesses and projects.

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