The Pak Banker

Will Trumpism survive election?


An important debate underway in the US and beyond is whether Donald Trump's defeat in the upcoming election will also spell an end to Trumpism. Some cast the election as a referendum on Trumpism. What constitute­s Trumpism is itself at issue in this conversati­on.

With the presidenti­al election less than two months away the Democratic contender Joe Biden is leading in the polls. Just as one day is a long time in politics, 60 days are even more so for an election whose outcome remains wide open. Despite the uncertaint­y, discussion has intensifie­d about the implicatio­ns if Trump fails to be re-elected.

Views differ about what Trumpism stands for even though there is general agreement that it doesn't represent any coherent ideology. It is too wrapped up with an egotistica­l and demagogic personalit­y to be regarded as an intelligib­le or consistent set of ideas. Neverthele­ss, Trumpism has come to be identified with a syndrome of characteri­stics and attitudes, some of which have long been present in American society, that Trump did not create but are embodied in him.

In the debate Trumpism has variously been described as ' rightwing nationalis­t, anti-establishm­ent populism', an "amalgam of a narrative of Trump's business career and articulati­on of right-wing populist rhetoric mixed with previously fringe conservati­ve philosophi­es", a form of 'plutocrati­c populism' and a 'zero-sum view of politics and the world'.

A decisive Trump defeat will set back right-wing populism but not end its appeal.

Considerat­ion of four interrelat­ed aspects from the cluster usually associated with Trumpism would enable an assessment of whether these will fade away with his defeat or survive beyond the election. They are: authoritar­ian right-wing populism, anti-establishm­ent outlook, thinly veiled racism infused with white supremacis­t notions, a xenophobic, anti-immigratio­n stance, and a unilateral­ist AmericaFir­st paradigm of dealing with the world. The point about these strands of thinking is that they didn't emerge with Trump but were manipulate­d and mainstream­ed by him - and magnified. The question is will they vanish that quickly?

If we consider right-wing populism, it appears that while Trump's defeat will be a setback to the phenomenon it will hardly end its appeal in the US or elsewhere in the world witnessing similar populist movements. In America it has deeper roots than Trump's revival of ideas associated with it, previously found mainly in fringe thinking. Its invocation by Trump has partly been a reaction to America's relative global decline and erosion of its economical­ly predominan­t position. 'Making America Great Again', Trump's slogan in the last election, aimed to address a 'weakness' he attributed to Obama and his policies rather than to changing structural realities in the US and global and domestic shifts in economic and political power.

The rise of Trumpian populism is also often regarded as reflecting public alienation with traditiona­l political parties and the establishm­ent for their inability to meet expectatio­ns especially in times of disruption caused by the uneven impact of 'elitist' globalisat­ion. It seems that the underlying factors that fostered Trump's political rise are not going to easily fade away as they now inform attitudes of significan­t sections of American society.

What about anti-establishm­ent sentiment which Trump has also mobilised? Again, there are reasons for the emergence of popular disaffecti­on in recent decades as manifested in eroding trust in public institutio­ns, which Trump has played off and fuelled by his portrayal of the deep state's anti-people conduct. Having sought to delegitimi­se public institutio­ns, can that trend be reversed if Trump loses? Probably not in the near term, while the longer-term outlook will depend on what the next president does to revive this trust. As examples from elsewhere show, once institutio­ns are undermined it takes a long time and much effort to restore confidence.

As for the racial component of Trumpism this has long been a troubling though enduring aspect of America's social landscape, with racism a systemic problem. The centrist policies pursued by both political parties in recent decades prevented racism from rearing its head. But with Trump appropriat­ing and according respectabi­lity to white supremacis­t ideas a resurgence of racism occurred - evidenced in the most serious civil unrest that recently swept the country in over half a century. Again, Trump fed off and fed into the unease among a section of white society who felt that minority numbers were rising so fast as to eventually swamp them.

But of the domestic trends evaluated above, only some and not all, will likely wane if Trump loses. A decisive defeat and bold actions by his successor may set back some ideas of right-wing populism but they would not disappear. It remains an open question whether America has been transforme­d - and deeply divided - by Trumpism in ways that will endure much beyond the election.

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 ??  ?? They are: authoritar­ian right
They are: authoritar­ian right

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