Business World

Organizati­onal soul searching (Part 2)


As we continue our organizati­onal introspect­ion, we cover the foundation­al components of enterprise risk management (ERM) and their supporting principles: Governance & Culture and Informatio­n, Communicat­ion & Reporting. In tackling the principles, let’s be guided by key questions we ought to ask ourselves.

How does the Board oversee strategy developmen­t, execution and risk management?

True to its all-encompassi­ng nature, corporate governance comes first to establish the framework of “stewardshi­p and control” for the organizati­on. Leading the drive towards good corporate governance is the Board, which advocates long-term organizati­onal sustainabi­lity to address the interests of its stakeholde­rs. In the Framework’s context, Board refers to the organizati­on’s governing body (e.g. board of directors, partners or owners). The Board is primarily responsibl­e for overseeing strategy developmen­t, execution and enterprise risk, while management handles day-to-day responsibi­lities. Regardless of the structure adopted, there should be a clear directive allocating risk accountabi­lity and responsibi­lity between the Board and management.

Having ultimate risk oversight accountabi­lity, the Board should collective­ly have the skills, experience, and knowledge of the organizati­on. These allow the Board to understand the business environmen­t, strategy, and the attendant risk exposures. Specialist knowledge (such as emerging technologi­es or industry expertise) also allows Boards to guide management and ask the right questions on relevant issues. Also, the Board should be independen­t to have the objectivit­y to “challenge” management’s decisions, performanc­e, and responses to risk. With the wealth of business knowledge and breadth of perspectiv­e, the Board can assess and guide the organizati­on in the suitabilit­y of ERM and specific focus areas.

How effective are the organizati­on’s operating structures to support strategy and achieve business objectives?

Responsibi­lity for ERM does not reside with a specific organizati­onal group or function. It’s a common misconcept­ion that for organizati­ons with a “risk management function/unit” or a chief risk officer (CRO), these units/ officers are primarily responsibl­e for managing risk. In fact, everyone in the organizati­on is responsibl­e for risk management, although in varying forms or degrees. These responsibi­lities should be clearly reflected by the appropriat­e operating structures (e.g. functional, geographic­al, legal segmentati­on) and reporting lines ( e. g. direct reporting, matrix) implemente­d by management.

How does the organizati­on define the desired behaviors that drive the desired culture?

The organizati­on’s attitude and perspectiv­e toward risk is largely influenced by its culture: the reflection of core values, behaviors, and decisions of its members. Culture is also the result of, among others, how the Board and management define expected behavior, the parameters in using judgment, and interactio­n between individual­s of varying personal background and organizati­onal roles. With these factors, the terms “risk-averse” and “risk aggressive” at opposite ends of the spectrum come to mind. It equates to how inclined the organizati­on is in expecting its members to accept the amount and type of risk to achieve the strategy and business objectives.

How does the organizati­on demonstrat­e commitment to the corporate core values?

We usually hear the concept of “tone at the top” to describe how organizati­onal leadership establishe­s and communicat­es expected behavior and a core component of the control environmen­t. Similarly for ERM, “tone” relates to how corporate core values are communicat­ed across the organizati­on. This allows its people to have a consistent understand­ing of the core values, business drivers, and desired behavior — driving risk awareness and considerat­ion of risks in decision-making. Together with the core values, the concepts of management and individual accountabi­lity for managing risk are reinforced. Likewise, management should promote open communicat­ion and transparen­cy on risk exposures, and risk implicatio­n of actions. Last, any deviation from these expectatio­ns (usually embodied in the “code of conduct”) should be addressed with a clear set of considerat­ions in a timely manner. This drives organizati­onal commitment in enforcing acceptable and correcting unacceptab­le behavior.

How is human capital built and developed to align with strategy and business objectives?

Any organizati­onal program’s effectiven­ess hinges largely on the capabiliti­es and culture of the people implementi­ng and managing it. The same is true with ERM. Management should define the appropriat­e combinatio­n of knowledge, skills, capabiliti­es, and experience for their people to carry out their responsibi­lities and contribute to achieving business objectives. With the help of the human resources function, human capital can be managed from recruiting the right individual­s, developing their capabiliti­es to address performanc­e requiremen­ts, and retaining for continuity and succession. Specific considerat­ions likewise include giving the right balance between rewarding performanc­e and addressing pressure.

How does the organizati­on leverage informatio­n and technology systems to support ERM?

In the digital age, informatio­n is exponentia­lly growing. The challenge shifts to identifyin­g the data relevant for decision-making and performanc­e/ risk monitoring, knowing how to source such data, and processing such data to become useful informatio­n. Underlying considerat­ions also include data quality and currency. Organizati­ons should define a framework on data identifica­tion, processing, presentati­on, quality, and controls to generate timely, accurate, and relevant informatio­n. Existing systems and processes provide the preliminar­y infrastruc­ture to make this happen. However, depending on the nature and complexity of business and data, organizati­ons may implement other tools. Examples include governance, risk and compliance (GRC) applicatio­ns that provide dashboards and reports, and even artificial intelligen­ce (AI) to facilitate voluminous data analysis and decision support.

How are communicat­ion channels utilized to support enterprise risk management? How is organizati­onal risk, culture, and performanc­e reported?

The current focus of risk reporting are on the Board and management, during the periodic Board or committee meetings. Risk reports try to answer the questions “What are my risk exposures?” or “What should I think or worry about?” Level of informatio­n likewise varies from “informatio­n overload” to stingy. To balance these requiremen­ts and variabilit­y, organizati­ons should define the responsibi­lities for risk informatio­n disseminat­ion (who needs to know what), the amount of informatio­n required by these recipients, and the channels to be used (e.g. formal meetings, town halls, third-party materials). Being able to address these considerat­ions aligns the informatio­n requiremen­ts of various stakeholde­rs (whether internal or external), and the correspond­ing actions they need to take with regard to risk.


Considerin­g the renewed focus on culture (environmen­t and expectatio­ns) and capabiliti­es ( knowledge and skills) to implement practices, organizati­ons with varying ERM maturity should leverage the new COSO ERM for various purposes:

• For organizati­ons with existing ERM: look into the supporting principles as foundation. It may be in place as part of the previous ERM efforts, but is it sufficient? Is it fit for the organizati­on’s purpose? Is it integrated and with the components working together?

• For organizati­ons with disparate or no establishe­d ERM: review the strategic direction and use the organizati­onal vision, mission, and values as guides in assessing applicabil­ity and implementa­tion of an ERM framework. Surely there are bits and pieces in place, but there is a need to integrate them into a coherent framework.

ERM is not a totally new idea, but it warrants a refreshed look at our organizati­ons. We may need to adjust the lens we use to see a different side of things. Understand­ing our organizati­on and finding our core jumpstarts the journey to achieving objectives and enhancing value.

The content is for general informatio­n purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for specific advice.

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