Business World



During US Secretary of Defense James Mattis’s three-day visit to China, President Xi Jinping bluntly told the visiting American defense official:

“Our stance is steadfast and clear-cut when it comes to China’s sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity, we can’t lose even an inch of territory inherited from our ancestors, and China won`t take anything that belongs to others. Beijing has no colonial ambition but will never shy away from defending every each of its territory.”

President Xi’s straight-talking statement to Secretary Mattis was printed by influentia­l and nationalis­t Chinese newspapers to emphasize that China under President Xi will not extend any concession with it comes to Taiwan and the islands in occupies in the South China Sea.

His assertion that China inherited the South China Sea from its ancestors is based on the belief that the Chinese people has always considered this maritime area as their “historic waters.” This is based on the national narrative that the South China Sea had been known to Chinese fishermen and seafarers from time immemorial. It tells various accounts of Chinese use of the South China Sea and its islands that included accounts of tributes made to Imperial Courts of ancient Chinese dynasties before the third century A.D. by the so-called barbarians from the southern seas. Accordingl­y, during this period, Chinese ships loaded with silk, porcelain, and other commoditie­s sailed through the South China Sea and navigated the coasts of the Philippine­s, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Thailand, and through Malacca to India and as far as the Mediterran­ean Sea.

It will be naïve for the internatio­nal society to accept China`s national narrative as a gospel truth. It is only fair to examine this national narrative on the bases of geography, history, and relevant internatio­nal law.


Based on the 1951 Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ) case between Norway and the United Kingdom, a country can only claim historic title to administer waters and territory if the three conditions are present: a) close geographic­al dependence of the territoria­l sea upon the land domain; b) the presence or absence of links between the land formations and the sea space sufficient­ly close to make the region susceptibl­e to a fully sovereign

China cannot claim the South China Sea as its historic waters since it is a semi-enclosed sea surrounded not by one but by six littoral states.

regime of governance; c) and unique economic interest belonging to the coastal state as clearly evidenced by long (and exclusive) usage.

China cannot claim the South China Sea as its historic waters since it is a semi- enclosed sea surrounded not by one but by six littoral states. It has provided a fertile fishing ground for local fishermen not only from China but from other littoral states. It has also been a smooth and safe navigation route for all the states in the region and even the rest of the internatio­nal community. Historical­ly, the South China Sea forms parts of the vital route of maritime trade and transporta­tion not only for China but for all East Asian and Southeast Asian states and their trading partners in Asia, Africa, and beyond. Historical records provide accounts of both Chinese and barbarian activities in the South China Sea. What history tells us is that the South China Sea evolved as regional commons as people used it as a common fishing ground and a trade route.

It is also interestin­g to note that Chinese records are candid about anti-maritime policies adopted by the late Ming Dynasty that limited the activities of its subjects in the South China Sea. This was because Chinese officials lost interests in the seas and even issued a ban on overseas trade from 1474 to 1551. As a result, constructi­on of new ocean-going ships was banned, shipyards were closed, and ocean-going trade was discourage­d. The imperial dynasties’ periodic interest on the maritime domain stemmed from the fact, that for most of its history, China was a continenta­l power focused on land- based threats and opportunit­ies. Furthermor­e, Imperial China never depended upon the sea for its economic livelihood. The consequenc­es of China’s neglect of the sea led to its defeats during the First and Second Opium Wars and during the First Sino-Japanese War in the 19th century.


In January 2013, the Philippine­s challenged China’s expansive claim in the South China Sea when it filed an arbitratio­n case in the Permanent Court of Arbitratio­n in the Hague, in the Netherland­s. The 12 July 2016 United Nations Convention­al on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS) ruling on the South China Sea arbitratio­n states that China`s claim to historic rights to the resources and waters to the South China sea ended when it joined the UNCLOS. This is because the notion of historic rights is incompatib­le with the exclusive economic zones (EEZ) as provided by the convention. This ruling was based on the assumption that the Convention was designed to be comprehens­ive in nature regarding rights within maritime zones means that rights of the other South China Sea coastal states within their EEZs and continenta­l shelf areas leaves no space for an assertion of historic rights.

The tribunal also ruled that although Chinese navigators and fishermen had historical­ly made use of the islands in the South China Sea, there was no evidence that China has historical­ly exercised exclusive control over the waters and resources. Rather, historical records in all the littoral states (including China) point that people from the Philippine­s, Malaysia, and Indonesia have also fished and navigated the waters of the South China Sea and have also maintained contact with the rocks, shoals, and islets in support of traditiona­l fishing and local trade.

Finally, the tribunal states, there was no way that any ancient community could have settled and survived in the South China Sea as none of the rocks, shoals, or islets can sustain human habitation or an economic life of their own. The tribunal observed that some of the Spratly Islands were used by small groups of fishermen, but such transient use does not constitute inhabitati­on by a stable community.

On the basis of these three findings, the tribunal concluded that there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to the waters and resources of the South China Sea.


On the bases of geography and history, China has not been able to exercise exclusive economic or navigation­al use of the South China Sea. Rather, it has always been regional commons. The July 2016 UNLCOS ruling affirmed what history and geography have uncovered. It is only fair to raise this question “What territory are you referring to President Xi?”

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