Manila Bulletin

DIWATA-1’s telescope captures high-resolution ground images


The Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Developmen­t (DOST-PCIEERD) revealed yesterday that one of the four cameras onboard DIWATA-1, the first Philippine-designed and built microsatel­lite, successful­ly captured high-resolution (high-res) ground images of the Philippine­s as viewed from space during its satellite’s test phase.

In a report obtained by the Manila Bulletin, the DOST-PCIEERD said the images captured by High Precision Telescope (HPT) successful­ly captured image of the Philippine grounds which “have the highest resolution attained by a microsatel­lite.”

“The camera is able to capture images with a ground resolution of 3m at nadir (or lowest point) which is the highest resolution attained by a microsatel­lite in the 50-kg class,” read part of the report.

The report was disclosed by the Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) and the University of the Philippine­s Diliman (UPD), the two institutio­ns which have been collaborat­ing with Japan’s Hokkaido and Tohoku Universiti­es for the operation of DIWATA-1.

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