Manila Bulletin




ARIES (March 21-April 20) – An alternativ­e that could save money should be considered. Do however also examine whether the cheaper alternativ­e is of sufficient quality. You should be prepared to make a few concession­s but do nothing that would compromise you. TAURUS (April 21-May 20) – An offer you rejected a while ago is still open. Take another look at it but do not act on impulse. Do what is needed to protect your own good name. Something that seems to be a good opportunit­y should be examined carefully – it may not be the case. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) – Do your best not to be angered by a colleague’s remarks. Instead seek to accept them in your stride. You will not always be able to match your appetite with your dietary needs. Instead see to it you eat a balanced diet enabling you to maintain a sensible weight. CANCER (June 21-July 20) – If you feel a certain degree of back strain, it could be that your seat is not properly adjusted. There are certain standards of propriety and decency and you too should abide by them. If you do you will not have to prove how much better than others you are, it will be obvious. LEO (July 21-Aug. 20) – You will not be able to get to the heart of the problem and that means you are a good way towards solving it. There is a new way of going about things and you should certainly investigat­e it. However, do not initiate it until you have made some careful comparison­s. VIRGO (Aug 21-Sept. 22) – Avoid listening to others who are full of ideas about the best thing for you. You are the one who knows what is best for you. You will be able to draw upon a reserve of energy to deal with a problem – do however ensure you do not dissipate it. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) – Instead of carrying a grievance where a friend is concerned bring it out into the open. You will then be able to resolve it without upsetting the friendship. You will have to exercise a little more tact; those close to you are more easily offended than is usual. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) – A desire to save paper and similar items is commendabl­e, but do not take it to the point where it cost too much in time. Make sure that with whom you are dealing always know where to contact you just now. If they cannot they might well take their business elsewhere. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) – If you give attention to two things at a time, then you do neither of them well. Try to stay close to a phone today. Do however bear in mind that what you agree over the phone is as binding as what you agree face to face. Control a tendency to do what first comes to mind. CAPRICORN (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) – Take care; a seemingly harmless third person could well come between you and a friend. Do not take advantage of others but that does not entail missing a good opportunit­y. Instead of doing things as they come, try to introduce some kind of working pattern on your life. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) – You would do well to try to see the humorous side of the situation you are in. And there are few situations so serious that they do not have such a side. Avoid looking for reasons why things cannot be done; but refrain from confusing what can be with what cannot be done. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) – A do-it-yourself book could well help you to deal with a repair problem. Make sure however you have the right tools and are experience­d enough. And avoid taking any risks with electricit­y. If you just wait for things to happen, you will also miss some good opportunit­ies.

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