The Manila Times

All about clothes


from Central Asian nomads and were introduced into Western China and adopted by both male and female. Trousers also were adopted by the Middle East, particular­ly the Parthians (Persians eventually). So, it may be said that fashion trends were moving around the world. Dr. Howard’s paper concentrat­ed on Southeast Asia and mention was made of how Central Asia and Persian Southeast Asian nations. For example, the Thais were influenced by Persian court clothing which they translated into antifeudal, no color, no ornaments and became like their court dress today— draped or wraparound pants (my descriptio­n). This even became part of their military uniform in court.

Meanwhile the Vietnamese copied Chinese gowns in silk. Somewhere along the way, the Philippine­s turned the initial overshirt into the barong tagalog, untucked as the overshirt was, but with embroidery and in native materials like piña or cotton (native to the Philippine­s).

Myanmar has entered the modern age with its traditiona­l garments intact as they are not impractica­l but beautiful expression­s of their environmen­t and culture.

Female attire remained grounded in the traditiona­l as Southeast Asian males in time adopted Western suits. Note the Vietnamese and Laotians in photograph­s with their women in traditiona­l dress and the men in suits. This is the scene from the 20th century and on the state of dress in these parts.

Now let us fast-forward to the Asean and APEC conference­s that countries hold every few years in the post post-World War 2 era. Traditiona­lly in these conference­s a group photograph is taken of the heads of state and government in attendance wearing the host country’s traditiona­l attire.

Naturally, in the Philippine­s it is the barong tagalog which, “itchy” or “scratchy” as the media reported the New Zealand prime minister to have commented, is generally known as Filipino around the world and with few such comments.

When Vietnam hosted, they had the group photo with the participan­ts in the silk gowns. Thailand had Thai silk shirts, China had silk shirts (like the current Chinese ambassador to the Philippine­s always wears). All with their unique silk designs and traditiona­l colors. Peru had ponchos in wool, Chile had colorful woolen blankets over whatever was worn. Another time around, Peru produced long woolen scarves to place over the shoulders of the persons photograph­ed. All traditiona­l woven fabrics from their countries. Canada had the participan­ts in leather bomber jackets. To each their own idea of what is familiar, traditiona­l, environmen­tal, etc.

Here is where the fun begins for the Western press. With no items were adapted by the people concerned as they adjusted to their environmen­ts, i. e. hot or cold, materials available, crafts to make it a comical image as some of the people being photograph­ed grapple with what they are unaccustom­ed to putting on. In the end, it becomes a comedy of errors as reported by the media.

It sometimes seems they are just waiting for the moment, have gathered all the critical adjectives to put together and now even eliciting somewhat negative comments from the ones photograph­ed in the New Zealand Prime Minister meant to be negative about her barong dress. She probably had some positive points which were ignored for the more critical comments. That is the sensationa­l news the media loves to put out and wait for more equally negative reactions. Their fun at the expense of everyone involved.

Every country has its trip to modernity. Each one’s trip should be understood from where it begins, how it evolves, and what are the factors in play. Then one can understand and appreciate what it is today, how it lives. And perhaps if so, there could be more educated and knowledgea­ble viewpoints, comments and reactions to take.

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