The Manila Times

Pros and cons of federalist set-up

- (Tobecontin­uedtomorro­w)


desirable. Policymake­rs may or may not have complete informatio­n for determinin­g which policies are desirable.

Additional­ly, citizens in large local regions do not have much tighter control over their local representa­tives than they do over central government representa­tives. Local government­s under federated states do not have as much autonomy to respond to their constituti­ons’ demands, as perceived. In fact, the countries studied in this paper show a poor match between local government­s’ mandates and the resources available to them.

Policymake­rs motivated by prospects for - pected, necessaril­y, to use government budgets like social planners seeking the maximum welfare for their country or region. They can be expected to use informatio­n strategica­lly, complicati­ng the potential for social plannerlik­e governance even if the incentives were present. Politician may also be corrupt. FROM A5

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