Northern Living



Finally, a narrative

After years of merely passing by the faded pink façade of this glorious building from the safe distance of the train, the opportunit­y was finally ripe for us to explore its inner workings. Eighty-five years of being overlooked, the iconic Manila Metropolit­an Theater is finally getting the retrofitti­ng it deserves. In this issue, we delve into “freedom” as a theme and go straight into the Met’s womb, discoverin­g more as each layer of paint is peeled off. As Independen­ce Day approaches, the theater that has seen the brightest days of local stars, witnessed the grandest of production­s, and even withstood the Second World War’s cruel shelling stands as a symbol of authentic Filipino resilience.

From its throne, the Met watched Manila fade from its former glory as the Paris of the Orient to becoming a war zone and subsequent­ly succumb to urban decay. However, it’s also a story of hope: as it embarks on a major restoratio­n project, the theater captures the imaginatio­n of a younger generation, most of whom were not even born yet during its heyday. With this revival comes a tinge of infectious optimism; having seen its insides, we confess that we’ve fallen in love with the structure. As for its stories, we hope that we’ve added another voice to its romantic narrative.

We also explore more narratives in this issue, including the fantasy ones we create for ourselves. While reality may keep us bound to our earth suits during the day, our creative freedom lets us brandish our fiction suits by night.

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