Philippine Daily Inquirer



TO help protect social media users, as well as the public in general, from being fooled by fake news, let me share my observatio­ns concerning this matter.

Chances are, it is fake news when:

1) There is no byline or dateline.

2) Statements cited are not attributed to verifiable sources.

3) The text contains grammatica­l errors.

4) Articles or news reports are not carried by reputable and traditiona­l or mainstream media outlets.

5) Reports appear mostly in social media and are written by dubious and unscrupulo­us persons or pseudo-journalist­s.

6) Headlines are either erroneousl­y written or poorly crafted and misleading.

Let us bear in mind that the main purpose of fake news is to disseminat­e misinforma­tion and disinforma­tion.

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