Sun.Star Baguio

Spot inspection for spa and services proposed


BAGUIO City Councilor Elaine Sembrano proposed through a resolution for the Health Services Office (HSO) to conduct regular spot checks on spa, massage parlors and nail cleaning services.

This ensures the sterilizat­ion and cleaning of materials directly applied or in contact with customers, councilor Sembrano said.

After such services, body fluids may find their way through shared materials to clients’ items which is a breach of sanitation, of unknown consequenc­es to their health.

“As a matter of public health concern, proper hygiene and cleaning or sterilizat­ion of things in the conduct of massage and nail cleaning ser-

vices must be ensured to protect clients from being unknowingl­y exposed to possible health hazards,” the lady councilor stated in the proposal.

Sembrano added it is the government’s responsibi­lity to protect citizens from act and practices that compromise their health, and ensure that the conduct of business activities in accordance to standards provided for by law, she added.

A report from the HSO within 30 days is expected, the proposal also states. The proposal was referred to the proper committee for study. Julie Fianza

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