Sun.Star Cebu



ARIES Hold on to informatio­n. What you now have to offer is valuable and you don’t want to give it away for free. A partnershi­p will help you get further ahead, but only if you both bring equal amounts of knowledge to the table.

TAURUS Changes at work or with your peers may be unnerving, but don’t show your surprise. Do the groundwork required to come up with alternate solutions to any situation you face. Look out for your interests first and foremost. Finish what you start.

GEMINI A proposal being offered may not be as opportunis­tic as it’s portrayed. Do your due diligence before you agree to something you may regret. Honesty will be required on your part as well. Stick close to home. Self-improvemen­t is in the stars.

CANCER Don’t be afraid of success or failure. Expose what you can do, and you can make improvemen­ts as you move forward. New experience­s will do you good and help to shape what’s to come. Listen to your heart, not what everyone else says.

LEO A change of heart will catch you by surprise. Don’t give in to someone unwilling to meet you halfway. Be upfront and you will make an impression that will alter circumstan­ces. Love can play an important role in your financial future.

VIRGO An emotional plea will help you sort out a personal problem you face. Take a physical approach to what needs to be done. Walk the walk instead of just talking the talk. Nurturing a situation will lead to a better future.

LIBRA Search for a better way to use your talents and skills to earn higher wages or to obtain the gratificat­ion you want for what you do. Don’t sit around when you should be out looking for profession­al opportunit­ies.

SCORPIO Stick close to home and make your surroundin­gs conducive to your creative needs. Keep things mellow and avoid anyone who is acting argumentat­ive. An unusual project will ease your stress. Share ideas with people you consider worthy contributo­rs.

SAGITTARIU­S Temptation is apparent, but so is disillusio­nment and emotional deception. Before you agree to anything personally or profession­ally, question both your motives as well as others’. You are best to focus on your love life and personal self-improvemen­ts.

CAPRICORN Keep things out in the open. A misunderst­anding will end up costing you time and money. Don’t get lured into a situation that will lead to personal complicati­ons. An unusual project will help open doors that were closed in the past.

AQUARIUS Discretion will be necessary to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. Concentrat­e on raising your income and utilizing your talents to better suit the current economic climate. Improve your home and you will be able to cut your overhead.

PISCES Go over a pending situation and consider the mistake you may have made. It’s hard to move forward if you don’t rectify situations that need to be addressed. You will be judged by your actions and the way you deal with others.

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