The Freeman

Be unitive, not divisive


one another. We float or sink depending on how we behave toward each other.

When we’re sober, keeping our emotions under control, we can actually sort out our difference­s quite well. And even in those instances when our difference­s cannot be reconciled, we can always manage to disagree in an agreeable manner.

Let’s make use of this quarantine to learn to be more patient, understand­ing, and caring towards others. Yes, let’s learn to be more humble, because all this useless quarrels are at bottom a matter of pride and vanity.

Let’s learn how not to get tired seeing the same faces the whole day. In fact, let’s be accepting of everybody, regardless of how one is, warts and all. Never allow critical thoughts and grudges to stay long in us. On the contrary, let’s be ever creative and in showing our love, concern, affection for everybody, being quick to understand and to forgive.

When we notice that we want to distance ourselves from someone, then it’s a clear sign that we have a problem, and that problem has to be solved with God’s grace and our effort.

The same attitude should be kept when we’re in some public discussion or engagement. We have to be careful with our emotions, and let’s see to it that our humility is kept strong and vibrant especially when we are misunderst­ood or mistreated.

Our foremost concern is that we foster unity always, never allowing any signs of divisivene­ss to creep in, as much as possible!

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