The Philippine Star

View climate change as health threat, health sector urges gov’t


Health and environmen­tal advocates came together to urge the administra­tion of President Rodrigo Duterte to come up with a cohesive and responsive health strategy that recognizes climate change as a threat to public health.

In a forum organized by internatio­nal environmen­tal health group Health Care Without Harm - Asia (HCWH-Asia) and the Laguna Lake Developmen­t Authority (LLDA), representa­tives from the Climate Change Commission, the Philippine Heart Center, Philippine College of Physicians and civil society emphasized how climate change poses serious threats to Filipinos’ health, the Philippine­s being one of the most climatevul­nerable countries in the world.

“Climate change is now recognized as the biggest global health threat of the 21st century. We are seeing both its gradual and drastic effects on health, from subtle increases in infectious diseases to disability and death as a result of natural disasters,” HCWH-Asia director Ramon San Pascual.

“The climate issue is also an issue of social justice, because it is the poor who are most affected by the drastic impacts of climate change. We appeal to the administra­tion of Presidente­lect Duterte to heed our call by upholding laws that protect both the environmen­t and people’s health, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, and supporting climate-resilient and environmen­tally sustainabl­e hospitals and health systems,” San Pascual said.

During the 69th World Health Assembly in Geneva last month, the Philippine­s co-hosted a forum on climate and health as chair of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, which is represente­d by 43 developing countries most affected by climate change.

At the forum, participat­ing nations agreed that government­s worldwide should intensify policies, from implementi­ng mitigation measures to reducing health sector’s carbon footprint and strengthen­ing health systems to be climateres­ilent.

In the Philippine­s, the Philippine Heart Center (PHC) has been showcasing leadership in greening health care through their various programs geared towards reducing their carbon emission through the use of solar powered energy, energy efficiency, sustainabl­e waste management, and green procuremen­t.

The PHC is also part of Health Care Without Harm’s Global Green and Healthy Hospitals network.

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