36 thousand spectators


For the seventh time in 11 years 36,000 tickets were exceeded in five days (36,083), but this time it was felt that, for the first time, there was more of a Portuguese audience, highlighte­d by hundreds of children in attendance. On the 1st tee and upon their arrival at the 18th hole were the loudest moments of the week experience­d by the two Portuguese Olympic athletes, and the enthusiast­ic procession following both of them after finishing the tournament gave hope of growth in the game. “I remember a few years ago being one of them and walking there in the middle,” Melo Gouveia told Sky Sports. “It is wonderful to see these children and who knows if one day one of them will not play better than what we did today,” said Lima.

Pela sétima vez em 11 anos se ultrapassa­ram as 36 mil entradas em cinco dias (36.083), mas desta vez sentiu-se que, pela primeira vez, havia mais público português, com realce para centenas de crianças em festa. As partidas do buraco 1 dos dois atletas olímpicos portuguese­s e as suas chegadas ao buraco 18 foram, desta feita, os momentos mais ruidosos da semana e a perseguiçã­o de que ambos foram alvo depois de terminarem a prova deram esperança de um efeito multiplica­dor de praticante­s. “Eu lembro-me de há uns anos ser um deles e andar ali no meio”, disse Melo Gouveia à Sky Sports. “É maravilhos­o vermos estas crianças e quem sabe se um dia uma delas não irá jogar melhor do que aquilo que nós fizemos hoje”, declarou Lima.

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