Herworld (Singapore)

2 The taste


Overall, you’ll nd that cold brews are less acidic than their iced counterpar­ts. Because no heat is involved in their making, the acids and oils that give coffee its bitter taste don’t get released. Also, expect more complex avours from a cold brew. “Cold brew, with its slow extraction, brings out different avours of the coffee,” says Pamela.

Depending on how sensitive your palate is, it’s actually possible that you might not be able to tell a cold brew and an iced coffee apart, Pamela adds. That’s because if both have been brewed and extracted well, you’re unlikely to be able to taste a marked difference.

At the end of the day, it’s all about your preference. Broken down simply, cold brews are for those who prefer a more full-bodied cup – which means the coffee feels heavier and thicker in the mouth. Cold brews also tend to be less acidic, and generally possess a more mellow avour.

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