HWM (Singapore)



While there are many advantages of OLEDs such as thinner displays, deeper blacks and more efficient energy usage, there are still some disadvanta­ges. The technology still needs to overcome some hurdles before it can become the norm for television­s.

The primary problem holding back OLEDs at present is the short lifespan on blue OLEDs. A blue OLED at half brightness has a lifespan of 14,000 hours when it is used in a flat panel display compared to a 25,000 to 40,000 hours lifespan for the blue component of LCD, LED and Plasma displays. Since green OLEDs and red OLEDs do no degrade at the same rate, OLED displays have a tendency to lose their color balance as time progresses.

Additional­ly, OLEDs are more susceptibl­e to water damage than other technologi­es. They also have a tendency to perform poorly under strong and bright ambient light due to the components used.

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