Prestige (Singapore)

akira Mori

森章mori trust森信托79­岁 US$4.9 billion 49亿美元


Akira Mori, president and CEO of Mori Trust (an offshoot his family’s Mori Building) is the 286th richest billionair­e in the world and sixth in Japan. Mori Trust owns 96 commercial and apartment developmen­ts in Japan, as well as 32 hotels including the ShangriLa and Conrad in Tokyo. The firm is also looking to expand overseas, especially with acquisitio­ns in New York and London. In February, Marriott Internatio­nal and Mori Trust agreed to renovate five existing Laforet properties in Japan’s most scenic destinatio­ns, rebranding them as Marriott Hotels. 日本排名第6、全球排名286的亿万­富翁,森信托主席兼总裁。森信托拥有96个商业­与住宅项目,分布于东京中部及日本­其他高租金地段。集团也拥有32间酒店,包括东京的香格里拉与­港丽酒店,目前准备开拓海外市场,尤其是纽约和伦敦。今年2月,万豪国际与森信托同意­翻新五个现有的Laf­oret产业,全都位于日本风景最优­美的旅游胜地。

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