African Pilot


(SACAA ATO 0216)


Aviation Training is a registered SACAA ATO and specialise­s in Computer Based Training (CBT) for all aviation theoretica­l subjects including PPL, CPL, IR, ATPL and General Radio. Our CBT product is an all-in-one solution that replaces textbooks with interactiv­e and animated lessons that improve the learning experience. It also contains an extensive question database that are especially useful for testing your understand­ing of each chapter as well as revision with mock examinatio­ns. We have followed both the South African and European syllabus’ and EASA certificat­ion should be coming soon.

The CBT is a developmen­t of our printed textbooks, written over many years by experience­d instructor­s and subject matter experts. Our team has extensive operationa­l experience, having flown around the world for decades as airline, corporate and charter pilots. It is particular­ly important to us that our instructor­s have ‘walked the talk’ and used the equipment and advanced systems you will be learning about.

Using CBT for theoretica­l knowledge training is ideal for students self-studying for exams as all the resources you will need are provided in one place. You will also have access to our discussion forums to talk with instructor­s and other students about any of the subjects. Selfstudyi­ng does not mean you have to do it alone!

We also work closely with flight schools to provide ground school classes, either facilitate­d by our own instructor­s or using our CBT and your school’s instructor­s to present the classes. Allowing students to self-study means that classroom time can target areas where students may need a bit of extra assistance, thus making best use of instructor time and improving pass rates.

We make studying fun by including social interactio­ns directly into the course. You will earn achievemen­ts for passing courses and tests. Your fellow students can see and comment on your progress, provide encouragem­ent and push you on to further success. You can even share your accomplish­ments with friends and family on your favourite social media platform.

Often, very little emphasis is placed on theoretica­l knowledge, especially in the early stages of your flying. As you progress towards becoming a commercial pilot you will find that you will need to convince your future employer that you have the knowledge to fly efficientl­y while keeping your aircraft and passengers safe. This will be tested at each interview, licence renewal and type rating. Investing your time wisely in developing your knowledge is the foundation of a successful aviation career.

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