Business Day





1 Urban slab blocks noise

and sound (9) 6 Nut loaf (3) 8 Happen to have firm

backing on mongrel (5) 9 Spills drinks on edge (4-3) 10 Men’s cape designed for travellers out of this world (8) 11 Case starts to expand taking underwear inside (4) 13 Burden with wood (6) 14 Bird may spoil metal (6) 17 Flea troubled page (4) 19 Vegetable made by

electricia­n without tin (8) 22 Suggest writing about

operation (7) 23 Talked of part of bicycle

wheel (5) 24 Colourant said to

perish (3) 25 Sustenance from fruit – without it iron’s deficient (9)


1 Recognises facial feature,

we hear (5) 2 Miracle works – take it

back (7) 3 Wizard’s silly errors

outside church (8) 4 Seafood swallowed by

boys, terrible! (6) 5 During sleep I conceive

saga (4) 6 Woo judge and jury? (5) 7 European snob in a

pickle (7) 12 Be pulled by speedboat – getting awfully wet, a risk (5-3) 13 Play around in top frog’s

home? (4,3) 15 Voyage to get crude oil,

creating capital (7) 16 Are the changes to make

something hot again? (6) 18 An advance, we hear,

unaided (5) 20 A hundred tend to do the

housework (5) 21 Grains found in ceramic

ornament (4)

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