Business Day




1 Pioneer to line jacket (11) 9 Defacto to regularly

dine (3) 10 Medley to flow in or tip

out (3-6) 11 Grabbing roller, it ain’t

about to be a nuisance (8) 12 Elegant and fashionabl­e

Ken’s dropped by bird (4) 14 Motor needing change, but

no heart for it (6) 16 Quietly thrust forward and

dive (6) 18 Large plant found in tallest

reeds (4) 19 Allowed to twist tapes

round colour ranges (8) 22 Everyone originally waiting in turbulent ocean got ration (9) 23 Exclude bank, shortly (3) 24 Reserved male union to

merge (11)


2 Propeller goes up and

down (5) 3 Weak men opt out within

it (8) 4 Gnawing what’s cold (6) 5 Missing a sad return

(initials)(4) 6 Organ subsequent­ly made

of clay (7) 7 Diesel train concerned with housing estates, say (11) 8 Stirs ink, thickens in

washing-up basin (7,4) 13 Second personalit­y in reworking of ogre tale (5,3) 15 Mischief-maker trips Merlin after game starts (7) 17 Get man somehow with this means of attraction (6) 20 Put back first-class

section of bone (5) 21 Crawl slowly with inverse

motion at first (4)


1 Leader (11) 9 Consume (3) 10 Fragrant petals (3-6) 11 Nuisance (8) 12 Elegant (4) 14 Machine (6) 16 Dive strongly (6) 18 Birch, for example (4) 19 Artist’s mixing boards (8) 22 Pocket money (9) 23 Embargo (3) 24 Calm, cool (11)


2 Helicopter blade (5) 3 Powerless (8) 4 Bitter, freezing (6) 5 Missing (initials)(4) 6 Made of baked clay (7) 7 Connected with

homes (11)

8 Washing-up basin (7,4) 13 One’s other self (5,3) 15 Mischievou­s sprite (7) 17 Device that attracts (6) 20 Shinbone (5) 21 Bathe (4)


Across: 1 Miracle; play; 9 Urn; 10 Powder keg; 11 Foresees (Four Cs); 12 Mali; 14 Assets; 16 Landau; 18 Espy; 19 Rearmost; 22 Thesaurus; 23 Far; 24 Lonely heart.

Down: 2 (W)Inner; 3 Apposite; 4 Lawyer; 5 Plea; 6 Awk(Auk)ward; 7 Suffragett­e (Suffer jet); 8 Agricultur­e; 13 Lacrosse; 15 Supremo; 17 Nearby; 20 Offer; 21 Sane (Seine).

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