Business Day

Partition is the way to go


Growing calls for SA to be partitione­d require serious considerat­ion. It is a prospect I support.

The Western Cape and Northern Cape should be hived off as a separate country comprising about 20% of the existing population and contributi­ng about the same proportion of the current national GDP. About 60% of the inhabitant­s share a similar culture and value system and are also orientated towards western countries.

The remainder of the country, although not homogenous, has similar cultures and supports a socialist, even communist, system of government that is antagonist­ic towards the West, particular­ly the US.

This will solve simmering long-term problems such as the expropriat­ion of land without compensati­on, which incidental­ly will lead to an economic Armageddon, possibly even civil war.

Partition would also solve needless emotional problems such as name changes and quotas in sports teams.

Emeritus Professor David Rosenberg

Via e-mail

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