Cape Argus

ANC will deliver its own KO

- MAURICE HEEMRO. Rondebosch East

SOUTH Africa is like a listing bulk carrier with disaster looming.

Adolf Hitler was confident he would rule for an indefinite­ly long time. The apartheid regime never envisaged the end of their rule.

President Jacob Zuma confidentl­y predicted the ANC would rule forever.

The French peasants could no longer tolerate the high level of abuse they were subjected to. Hence they decided to rise up against authority. History has a propensity of repeating itself. South Africans went in droves to the polls in 1994 to vote the ANC into power.

The ANC used their dominance to engage in all sorts of irregulari­ties with the sole purpose of enriching themselves.

Irregulari­ties such as nepotism, theft, money laundering, fraud, cadre deployment, etc come to mind.

This, to the detriment of the poor. South Africans are therefore justified in lambasting Zuma for allowing the rot to set in and to continue under his watch.

The ANC is reeling from the devastatin­g blow they suffered at the polls recently.

They are hurting, but they are putting on a brave face.

Yet, they continue to be arrogant as witnessed in Parliament on August 23, alienating more of their supporters in the process. People are calling for Zuma’s head to roll. I am not too sure if that is the way forward. By persisting with this wrecking-ball, the ANC will undoubtedl­y shoot themselves in the foot.

Zuma and his lackeys will continue to plunder the coffers and enrich themselves. Instead of pulling out all the stops to remain in power, why don’t they gracefully hand over the reigns to the honest, trustworth­y DA, because they have failed the people of South Africa for 22 years.

The ANC is setting itself up for a knock-out blow in 2019.

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