Cape Argus


- Alan Simmonds

Dealer South: N/S vulnerable

Wild and woolly bidding! 6NT (East can be squeezed in the minors) is probably best; but on minimum values the best spot is often missed. The play to trick one is again vital. South MUST win with dummy’s ♠Q to be able to ruff a heart (lack of entries precludes declarer trying to ruff two) with small trumps. So where is the 12th trick, since South must draw all the trumps here? No good doing that then hoping clubs break 3-3 (36%). Oh dear, what can we do? It’s a simple explanatio­n – give up a club immediatel­y – yes, play a small one from BOTH hands. Sure either defender wins; what then? South wins any return, ruffs a heart, draws trumps, unblocks the ♣A and enters dummy in diamonds to claim. Moral: Bid better, but if faced with drawing trumps or setting up a side suit (with the danger of embarrassm­ent in the trump suit) set the side suit up first – by what ever means you have to employ – the trumps take care of themselves.

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