Cape Argus

Metrorail replaces copper cables to stem theft

- Okuhle Hlati

THE increasing problem of cable theft has prompted Metrorail to replace its copper cabling with fibre-optic cables.

With more than 200 incidents of copper theft recorded every year and several cases recorded daily, a national multimilli­on-rand project is under way.

Metrorail spokespers­on Riana Scott said the installati­on of the fibre, excluding the installati­on of switches and configurat­ion, amounts to R4.8 million.

“Cable theft often affects our automated signalling system, forcing us to use manual authorisat­ion,” said Scott.

“Which is very time-consuming as each train has to be individual­ly authorised, leading to 60+ minutes delays,” added Scott.

She said seven suspects were arrested by Metrorail Protection Services on trains since the start of the weekend for crimes, including theft of cabling and vandalism.

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