Cape Times




1 Liquor in the mountains produces exuberance (4,7) 9 Fish could be electrical­ly contained (3)

10 Cat and ten men make decree (9)

11 Harass reporters (5) 13 Laconic reference to shape (7)

14 Require the French to irritate (6)

16 Disown peculiar trance (6) 18 Put lone arrangemen­t down as rich (7)

19 The French take metal from ancient Rome (5)

20 Eastern country where many produce eggs – material for cookers (5,4) 21 Some find them useful for the bird (3)

22 Enough space for lines to be scanned (7-4)


2 I shall be in need of a doctor (3)

3 They are taken to in flight (5) 4 I am in a position to get fish (6)

5 Reunite the train (7)

6 Cutting of furrow tailed by insect (9)

7 Maintain contact, but don’t go on the field of play (4,2,5) 8 Proverbial­ly what makes wise head teach dead language? (5,6)

12 Put to death about four in a managerial capacity (9) 15 Sheltered part of hospital? (7)

17 Lets no arrangemen­t be misappropr­iated (6)

19 Stratum for egg-producer, perhaps (5)

21 The self figures in any negotiatio­ns (3)

 ??  ?? Yesterday’s solutions:Across: 1 Form. 3 Presages. 9 Sun-dial. 10 Gulls. 11 Inspectora­te. 13 Arrows. 15 Potato. 17 Altercatio­ns. 20 Poise. 21 Rancher. 22 Register. 23 Urge. Down: 1 Festival. 2 Ranks. 4 Relate. 5 Sugar-coating. 6 Galatea. 7 Sash. 8 Mine-sweepers. 12 Conserve. 14 Relying. 16 Scarce. 18 Other. 19 Spur.
Yesterday’s solutions:Across: 1 Form. 3 Presages. 9 Sun-dial. 10 Gulls. 11 Inspectora­te. 13 Arrows. 15 Potato. 17 Altercatio­ns. 20 Poise. 21 Rancher. 22 Register. 23 Urge. Down: 1 Festival. 2 Ranks. 4 Relate. 5 Sugar-coating. 6 Galatea. 7 Sash. 8 Mine-sweepers. 12 Conserve. 14 Relying. 16 Scarce. 18 Other. 19 Spur.

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