Car (South Africa)



If you think the electric future of powertrain­s is a dull one, think again. For a demonstrat­ion run, Honda brought its all-electric, Pikes Peak racer that came third overall in 2016. In future, electric vehicles will dominate the event, because no power is lost with the increase in altitude, unlike internalco­mbustion engines that suffer a decrease in performanc­e. The Acura Nsx-based four-motor EV Concept has an electric motor driving each wheel, and with a total system output of 746 kw, driver Tetsuya Yamano demonstrat­ed a full-bore accelerati­on run from standstill and the way it gained speed de ed belief. The whine of the four electric motors in combinatio­n with the rushing air ow over the vehicle body at speed sounded like a private jet taking off. Just to show the fun factor connected to electric vehicles, Yamano ended with strangely silent, four-wheel doughnut drifts, rubber protesting loudly.

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