Daily Dispatch

‘Switched-on’ tot all good


“Deaf toddler’s big ‘switch-on day’ snatched” (DD, May 5), “. . . and then there was sound” (DD, May 6) and “Donations pour in for deaf school hit in dual robberies” (DD, May 7) all refer.

Thank you to all sponsors and the public for the amazing support, interest and concern shown to us during our recent burglary.

It was wonderful to be able to still have Inothando’s cochlear implant “switched on”, using cables on loan to us.

He is making good progress and we look forward to being able to replace the equipment so that the mapping of his, and all our other children’s cochlear implants carries on, uninterrup­ted.

Thank you to the Daily Dispatch for the coverage of our unfortunat­e events and then following up with Inothando’s happy story. — Paula Kumm, principal/project manager

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