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Work starts at Treatment Works

- Danie van der Lith

Sello Matsie, said yesterday that after a thorough assessment of the situation, it had been decided that the best solution would be to isolate the burning dry sludge from the bulk of the dried out sewage and to extinguish it.

“We will not use water unless it proves absolutely necessary,” he stated.

He added that the dry sludge that had not yet caught alight would be moved from the centre of the pond to a clear site where there would be less chance of it catching fire. “From here is will be disposed of accordingl­y.”

Matsie said an earth-moving con- tractor, who is on a two-year tender appointmen­t by the municipali­ty, had been instructed to isolate the burning sludge and suppress combustion.

“A fire-engine was on site yesterday to extinguish the fire if necessary,” he added.

“Once all burning matter has been dealt with and the situation is under control, the contractor will start removing the rest of dry sludge.”

By yesterday afternoon, Matsie reported that the exercise was progressin­g well and it was expected that all the burning parts of the pond would be suppressed by the end of the day.

 ?? REMOVAL: An earthmovin­g contractor removed the top layer of the soil which will be disposed of later. Picture: ??
REMOVAL: An earthmovin­g contractor removed the top layer of the soil which will be disposed of later. Picture:

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