
More about bio-energy …


We spoke to Jenny Symons, who has been in private practice for 20 years and consults at Fordoun because ‘they see and understand the importance of looking after your energy system as much as the physical’.


‘For every thought we have, our energy changes. You can have a happy thought and everything around you falls into balance naturally. Or if you’re ill, worried, or have had a trauma, your energy moves for that. When someone comes to see me, I assess their energy and realign it using various techniques. We are made up of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects – together, they make up the energetic body around us. As humans, we focus almost all our attention on the physical – what we eat, how we look, what we wear – but that only makes up a small percentage of who we are.’


‘By having your auric field and your chakras balanced, and all the other aspects that I work on put back where they should be, it strengthen­s your energy system like you would strengthen your immunity. You’re able to get better faster, or handle situations you could never handle before. It shifts something in you that helps you cope better. If you carry everything you go through around with you, you’re blocking yourself. When you clear that all up, you step into your power and your truth and you’re able to be the best person you can be.’


‘Anyone. I see kids regularly and have clients from all religions. Some couples have come to me where the woman is more open to it but her husband has come along. In one case, I could feel the man didn’t want to be there. I hadn’t even finished assessing his energy field when tears just started streaming down his face. I didn’t say anything. At the end of the treatment he sat up and said: “What a journey!” He shared his story afterwards, but without a word, he’d lain on that bed and just let go of everything. That’s where it’s magical – when you see the difference it’s made to someone.’

 ??  ?? Jenny Symons, bio-energy consultant at Fordoun.
Jenny Symons, bio-energy consultant at Fordoun.

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