Glamour (South Africa)

Dr Khanyile’s 10 daily rituals


With an Instagram following of over 20k, 27-year-old Dr Nokukhanya Khanyile is both an influentia­l and digital- savvy medical doctor. We chat to her about her rituals, spreading positive vibes through social media and how she frees her mind, body and soul. 1 Feed the Soul

The first thing that I do every morning is praise and worship God while I’m getting ready for work. I eat breakfast, make sure that I drink enough water for the day and catch up with God via a Bible verse or devotion.

2 Spread love

A quick “Good morning everybody” video is something I do every morning on Instagram to get my day going officially, as well as providing my followers with a pick-me-up for theirs.

3 Medicine Music

While I’m at work, at Sebokeng Hospital in the Vaal, I enjoy singing. It isn’t strange to find the nurses and doctors breaking out into song while examining patients or writing notes. When I’m not working, I play netball every week or do a quick workout routine every day.

4 practise Self love

Through a ‘Heal Your Life’ workshop I attended last year, I learnt tools such as affirmatio­ns, mirror work and confrontin­g my fears. This has helped me stop my self-sabotaging behaviour, and give myself the greatest gift of all: self-love. Now, I know that I’m more than enough and that I have everything in me to complete any task set before me.


I’ve made a decision to move more often through the day, like taking the stairs instead of the lift. Work on the 10th floor? Get off on the eighth and walk the other two flights. Park further away from the entrance of a building. Go for a walk around the block with your kids or dog. It’s a small change to your day, but will do you the world of good.

6 take Supplement­s

Because of our poor eating habits, our diets lack most of the micronutri­ents needed for efficient brain function. I recommend taking supplement­s like omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, iron and calcium to improve general health.

7 do A detox

Like machines, your body can also experience daily wear and tear as well as an accumulati­on of gunk. Detoxing is the process of staying away from or getting rid of substances that are deemed unhealthy. I swear by cutting sugar out your diet. After the initial cravings, your body will adjust and you won’t even want sugar anymore.

8 Free your Mind

Spending time clearing my thoughts, via meditation, journaling and practising self-care, really helps sift through all of the noise and helps me refocus on the important things. Download a meditation app like Headspace (free on IOS and Android), which has an easy beginner’s guide to help you start meditating daily.

9 do your checkups

Working in the public health sector, I find that people wait too long with their illnesses, which then requires a lot of interventi­on. I also find that people keep coming back for the same issues because they’re not being properly informed or don’t ask enough questions about their conditions. When you’re with your doctor, make sure you understand your condition, the suggested treatment plan and prognosis. Find a strong support system that you can turn to in times of depression, or to prevent self-harm or suicide. Go for your annual pap smear and HIV test (if you’re sexually active, go more frequently and add in an STI screening, even if you’re only with one partner). Include breast exams in your annual check-ups, as early detection can save your life.

10 MAINTAIN A healthy relationsh­ip With yourself

Love yourself! If you treat yourself as you would your partner or best friend, you’ll stay away from things that make you feel bad or guilty, and you’ll spend time doing things that build and grow your sense of self. Take yourself on dates, buy yourself gifts, appreciate yourself daily, make yourself great food, exercise in a way that makes you feel good and listen to music that uplifts you.

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