go! Platteland

This is how…


The best way to store and ripen hard avocados is to keep them in a dark place at room temperatur­e, preferably with potatoes, which release a gas that speeds up the ripening process. A paper bag containing a ripe pear or banana will also do the trick. Once the avocado is ripe, place it in the fridge to lengthen its shelf life. …to check whether an avo is ripe Press the fruit lightly at the eye where the stalk used be to attached. The avocado is ripe if the flesh gives way a little. If you break off the eye and it comes away easily to reveal a light-green or light-yellow area beneath, it’s definitely ready. Take care not to buy avocados that are too ripe: if you remove the eye to discover that it’s brown underneath, the fruit is over-ripe and probably will also be brown inside.

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