Grocott's Mail



Nompilo Ndlovu and Adriana Georgiades If you were able to understand that, congratula­tions. You have just managed to decipher a message made up of symbols.

Look around you; in your home, when you walk on the streets, even on the clothing you wear; symbols can be found everywhere.

These days symbols have become a language of their own, yet they are constantly evolving and taking on new meanings in new contexts.

The power of symbols lies in their ability to convey a large amount of informatio­n using single images.

Yet some symbols need to be challenged, for their meaning is outdated and reinforces social stereotype­s that are archaic, such as beer as a symbol of masculinit­y.

Whether it be through the art of graffiti, the use of emoji in the developing technologi­cal age, or through the use of sign language for those with hearing disabiliti­es, symbols provide an alternativ­e mode of expression.

 ??  ?? Almost by definition, poets deal in images and symbols – mental pictures drawn with carefully selected words and phrases. What may begin as a literal descriptio­n of an object or scene soon transforms into something else, often creating a different,...
Almost by definition, poets deal in images and symbols – mental pictures drawn with carefully selected words and phrases. What may begin as a literal descriptio­n of an object or scene soon transforms into something else, often creating a different,...
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