Grocott's Mail

Transforma­tion needs sophistica­ted leadership


From Page 11

The stupendous problems confrontin­g the country at the moment are by and large caused by the lack of leadership in dealing with sophistica­ted domestic and global issues.

Transforma­tion is a complex matter that requires leadership with sophistica­ted intellectu­al acumen. It’s not about cut and paste; it’s about dealing with core intangible and tangible issues.

A reckless approach to societal transforma­tion may rock the boat and reverse gains.

Presently, the Eastern Cape is the province hardest hit by the lack of sophistica­ted leadership. This has opened space for factionali­sts hell bent on alienating broader society.

Recent political develop- ments in the Nelson Mandela Metro area indicate that the ANC has not learnt a political lesson.

The space is now contested on issues and no longer through rhetoric. OR Tambo, NR Mandela, G Mbeki, W Sisulu etc played their role and set an exemplary framework that is contradict­ed by the present leadership trajectory.

Over-utilisatio­n of those leaders' brands is not going to bring about solutions to obscene inequaliti­es.

South Africa more than ever is yearning for visionary, thoughtful, transforma­tional, and ethical leadership.

Leadership with such prowess may take the country back to its original agenda. People with such strategic capabiliti­es are in abundance within the political mainstream, and are still relatively young.

Imagine if Concourt handed down a judgement terminatin­g the already unlawful contract.

A decision of that nature might have caused anxiety in our society that could have been used opportunis­tically by adversarie­s of Constituti­onalism.

The Constituti­onal Court could have been perceived as working against economical­ly vulnerable groups. Judges could have been accused of working in cahoots with “white monopoly capital” furthering colonial objectives.

Remember, they were once rubbished by Mantashe as counter-revolution­aries.

The derelictio­n of duty on the part of bureaucrat­s and politician­s forced the Constituti­onal Court Judges to find themselves between a rock and a hard place.

The politicall­y engineered social grant saga tested the leadership abilities of the judges and, as usual, they did not disappoint the nation.

This arm of state outshines other arms of the state in preserving the democratic project. The names of the judges concerned are inscribed in the chronicles of history through the sterling work they do for the country.

Another advantage of judges could be that they are appointed to positions on merit and through meritoriou­s achievemen­ts. The latter in the current political mainstream finds no expression. Instead, it has promoted me- diocrity over intelligen­ce and brilliancy.

Taking into account this state of affairs, is the “radical economic transforma­tion” possible?

Mediocrity has impacted negatively on governance and the management of our country. South Africa is a diverse and complex space that requires the finest minds on the pedestal. And not individual­s parachuted to leadership positions because they can sing and dance endlessly, thereafter making racially charged utterances to cover up incompeten­cies.

One can safely say, our Constituti­onal Court is in safe hands at the moment, and the preservati­on of this legacy is critical. This is the calibre of leadership South Africa is yearning for. For noting, it has never been the mandate of the ANC to change the existing socioecono­mic power relations. The ANC’s mandate is confined to the de-racialisat­ion of the economy and society in general within the present socio-economic system. The “radical economic transforma­tion” as espoused by the ANC should be understood within this context. • Christian Mxoliswa Mbekela is a strategic work consultant specializi­ng in HR, EE and risk management. Former SAYCO NEC member and he was part of the team that re-establishe­d the ANC Youth League. He is currently doing PhD in the Sociology Department at Rhodes University. www. cmmmindpow­

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