Grocott's Mail

The humility of God


(Isaiah 57:15) “For this is what the High and Lofty One says - He who lives forever, whose name is holy; ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to receive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.’”

In this passage, the prophet Isaiah describes God as the High and lofty One, the one who lives forever whose name is holy.

God in this passage describes His dwelling place as a high and holy place, but also as a contrite and lowly place, the heart of a humble man and woman.

He who lives in a high and holy place made His first home on earth the womb of a young woman demonstrat­ing His love and humility, and the beauty and wonder of the womb of a woman.

Jack Deere writes: “The light of the world entered Bethlehem in the dark of night. The Word of God became a speechless infant. The One destined to clothe a heavenly army in clean, white linen was wrapped in course strips of cloth. The Bread of Life was laid in a feeding trough of an animal… the Creator of the universe stooped so low, was so humble.”

His humility leads Him to fellowship with people as low as we are.

What was the relevance of His humble birth? * To show us something of the character of God and how He relates to His fallen creation. * To show us that He is not shamed by the womb or the stable. * To show us that He gives grace to the humble and that He opposes the proud (1 Peter 5:5) “I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit.” Amen. • Dirk Coetzee, Pastor of the Grahamstow­n Baptist Church

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