Mail & Guardian

Townships are still a world apart

Bids to unleash their economic potential have failed largely because the motives, networks and practices of the informal economy are ignored

- Ntembeko Nqapela & Ebrahim Fakir

Dormitory-style, underservi­ced, insecure, overcrowde­d and noisy — this characteri­ses the living conditions in most of South Africa’s townships.They remain as they were conceived — spatially disconnect­ed and alienated from mainstream economic activity.

Potholed dusty roads that are muddy when it rains; row upon row of chemical toilets forming lines outside homes, with the stench from open latrines and blocked pipes filling the air; overcrowde­d, small matchbox-style homes; and limited distributi­on of recreation facilities — this is the reality of townships, even in parts of the seemingly modernised Soweto.

It was thought that after South Africa’s political transition from apartheid, in addition to the provision of political and socioecono­mic rights and the developmen­t of a welfare state, immediate attention would be given to the spatial, infrastruc­tural and economic reform of the townships to remedy their deliberate marginalis­ation and underdevel­opment.

This was not the case and it was perhaps the key oversight of the reform efforts in the early years of the transition to democratic government. The inherited neglect of the townships has largely continued, and even efforts to revitalise them have hit conceptual and practical snags.


The townships were never conceived to have the potential for developmen­t, and their space and location are the primary difficulti­es that have to be faced when it comes to economic developmen­t and the revitalisa­tion of their limited economies.

The costs associated with this are astronomic­al because of extraordin­arily high input costs. First, the topography of township land is hard to excavate and develop. Second, the distance of the townships from core infrastruc­ture and service points, such as water sources, electricit­y grids, major arterial roads and other infrastruc­ture linked to commercial and industrial hubs compounds the costs. Also a poor road and route network in and out of these areas means transporti­ng goods, services and people is expensive.

Consequent­ly, the logistics and supply chains to and from townships, which are vital to manufactur­ing and industry, remain underdevel­oped and underservi­ced. Where infrastruc­ture, amenities and services do become available, the cost is so high that the average township resident and business, because of their lower than average income and business turnover, can’t afford them.

The expectatio­n post-1994 was that the excluded and marginalis­ed people in the townships would be moved closer to the cities and urban areas. This, in the main, did not happen and was largely only an option for the small and the developing businesses and profession­al, technical and managerial class. And where this did happen, especially in affordable, middle-class suburbs close to cities, there was a mass exodus of previous (white) inhabitant­s, capital flight and with it a decline in property investment and property values.

This has had the dual effect of displacing investment and simultaneo­usly hollowing out the solid middle class that could have contribute­d to developing the township economy, particular­ly in the commercial and services sectors, which are not as reliant on heavy infrastruc­ture as manufactur­ing and other industries are.

An internal migration from nonmetropo­litan and rural areas has seen an underclass moving into the townships and the proliferat­ion of informal settlement­s, which have overburden­ed the already sparse services and infrastruc­ture.

The government’s response to this has been the provision of RDP housing and some social housing for middle-income earners. Although these address a social need, they don’t yield economic value.

Add to this the lingering legacy of anti-apartheid rates and taxes boycotts, the illegal and irregular service connection­s (water, electricit­y, telephony) and the comparativ­ely lower collection of service fees and rates from townships by local councils, and it all dampens the necessary revenue base that aids money multiplica­tion and circulatio­n.

Legacy issues

Efforts to stimulate the economies of the townships have focused on the provision of infrastruc­ture, largely in services, and limited commercial sector services, such as retail banking, restaurant­s, small-scale retail, the duplicatio­n of large national chains at micro level and the establishm­ent of malls or small-scale industrial parks, such as the one in Orlando West, Soweto.

But these have limited capacity to absorb labour and limited potential to develop a market, which stunts the generation of revenue. Consequent­ly, this dims the prospects for the rapid replicatio­n, expansion and transfer of these effort to other areas, or for scaling them up.

This is in contrast to the microecono­mies and businesses operating in the formal economy, which continue to enjoy growth, expansion and success by virtue of their residual and subsequent­ly reinforced strategic positionin­g that places them at a comparativ­e and competitiv­e advantage. They benefit from new business developmen­t incentives and subsidies, technologi­cal advancemen­ts and inherited economies of scale.

Of course, the caveat here is that, with the global food, fuel and finance crises, coupled with South Africa’s fragmented and fractured political landscape, poor growth and high unemployme­nt, businesses in the formal sector have also experience­d some degree of stagnation.

Efforts at connecting the township economy with the pre-existing city and suburban economic, commercial and industrial nodes offered some glimmers of hope for township revitalisa­tion, but the ways in which they are able to integrate the township into the mainstream economy are limited.

One of the frequent laments emerging from these initiative­s is the absence of an “entreprene­urial culture and spirit” in the townships. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Township economies, even in the informal sector, demonstrat­e the inhabitant­s’ creativity and resilience in bridging apartheid’s spatial and economic exclusion. For example, as an alternativ­e to the high transport costs involved in getting to work — in mines, homes, gardens, factories and offices, economic hubs, shopping malls and retail centres — people created a makeshift township economy.

This saw the proliferat­ion of unlicensed kiosks and spaza shops generating subsistenc­e incomes for the unemployed, the hitherto unregulate­d commuter minibus taxi industry, the developmen­t of stokvels and savings clubs as financing mechanisms, roadside food stalls, taverns and restaurant­s, the unregulate­d home and backyard mechanics, panel beaters, spray painters, barber shops, salons and beauty stalls, shoe, sandal and bag makers and repairers, sewing and haberdashe­ry stalls, tyre retreaders, carpenters and cabinet makers as well as upholstere­rs and furniture refurbishe­rs.

Add to this list the roadside autoelectr­ic entreprene­urs and retailers of low-end sunglasses, earphones, perfumes, home and car cellphone chargers, leather belts, watches, wallets, hair and nail clippers, shoe and nail polish. Key to this cohort’s survival is mobility and its ability to scan and analyse sales prospects on a continual and ad hoc basis.

Non-mobile township entreprene­urs mostly operate in about 3m2 stalls around shopping malls and retail centres.

Little understand­ing

Understand­ing the cultures, motives, networks and practices of this informal, unlicensed and unregulate­d economy is vital to its developmen­t, formalisat­ion and integratio­n into the formal economy, and for the provision of basic commercial, financial and business support services to these areas.

One such initiative aims to group and cluster township businesses for the purposes of service provision, market creation and regulation in designated spaces such as incubation hubs, innovation centres or industrial parks.

But any act such as clustering or any form of organisati­on is counterint­uitive to the manner in which these businesses can be enhanced. For one, a group-and-cluster approach will have a curtailing effect on their nimbleness and mobility and will destroy this segment of entreprene­urs.

In stimulatin­g township economies, policymake­rs are having to navigate seemingly irresolvab­le contradict­ions, which stem from the fact that it is easier for the government to provide services if the business operators and vendors are clustered together, creating economies of scale for the state.

But the business operators might be reluctant to be grouped and clustered together with competitor­s offering the same range of goods, products and services.

From a policy perspectiv­e, the first problem that needs to be appreciate­d is the limited scope of current township revitalisa­tion strategies. They implicitly place a focus on Gauteng’s townships, with Soweto idealised as a benchmark for township developmen­t, which leads to the neglect of townships elsewhere.

Second, the treasury allocation for township revitalisa­tion is too small given the needs and requiremen­ts of countrywid­e economic developmen­t of townships. This needs to be scaled up.

Third, the skewed allocation of planning resources, with 90% of funding allocated to technical assistance and a paltry 10% to infrastruc­ture developmen­t, needs to be rethought. Addressing these three policy issues would be a good start for growing township economies.

The townships were never conceived to have the potential for developmen­t

 ??  ?? Mean streets: The logistics and supply chains to and from townships remain perpetuall­y underdevel­oped and underservi­ced. Photo: David Harrison
Mean streets: The logistics and supply chains to and from townships remain perpetuall­y underdevel­oped and underservi­ced. Photo: David Harrison

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