


CIOS and IT Managers have spent years sitting on the fence over whether to adopt Fibre or not – but the pressure is mounting as the Fibre revolution spreads through South Africa and savvy businesses reap the rewards.

It is the role of CIOS and IT Managers alike to recognise Fibre technologi­es for what they are – business enablers. It’s not enough to just keep the lights on anymore. Key technology decision makers have a duty to enable innovation and new innovative strategies, and as such, only Fibre will do.

In the South African context, businesses have an even more important role to play than many might realise. Digitally-advanced businesses are futureproo­f. They grow and scale far more easily than their competitor­s, and therefore have a crucial role to play in providing employment opportunit­ies and driving our economy forward.

In a nutshell, businesses that are strong players on both the local and internatio­nal scene have a lot to offer their local economies.

Fibre eventually works out to be cheaper than other connection­s over time, and it’s practicall­y a necessity in allowing us to make full and unfettered use of cloud applicatio­ns and software that improve efficiency and save a business money.

Fibre optics is the new standard for cabled Internet provision. It is able to offer unpreceden­ted bandwidth – 1Gbps and faster, as opposed to ADSL’S maximum of 40Mbps – as well as an upload rate that equals its download. This makes uploading large files, such as video or voice, a much quicker process, and using cloud services much easier.

The superior speed and capacity of Fibre connectivi­ty opens a whole new world of opportunit­ies for both internal and external business communicat­ions. And better communicat­ion translates into saved time, and time is, of course, money.

We’ve heard the statistics of IT downtime costing businesses money by the minute – but the real cost of an unreliable network is difficult to measure and even more severe than most businesses realise. One must consider the impact it has on your brand and reputation in the eyes of current and potential clients, as well as the thousands of lost hours that such outages inevitably cause.

The Fibre revolution may not be a brand-new concept, but it’s getting South African businesses excited for all the right reasons. Enabling an always-on digital environmen­t with greater productivi­ty, agility, innovation and collaborat­ion will be essential for digital businesses far into the future. Why not start now? ■

“Fibre eventually works out to be cheaper than other connection­s over time”

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