
The hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray


THE article in POST (June 14-18), “Good turn recalled years on”, was very heartwarmi­ng, inspiring and, most importantl­y, Suleman Bux’s approach and attitude is one of simplicity and humility.

His actions, in giving now Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo’s family groceries while he completed his law degree, is what humanity is supposed to be about. The selflessne­ss and generosity displayed must really be emulated by us all.

As it is a time of prayer, one can see the importance of prayer in his life, and this goes to show that while many profess to be holy and religious, very few actually practise what religion is about. Mr Bux is a shining example and it is high time we learnt from his good deeds. I am certain that with his actions both he and his family would be richly blessed.

You are a true hero and your story, and many others like yours, needs to be told so that we as a nation are awakened. Mr Bux is a true flag-bearer for the country in regard to race relations.

Thank you, Sir. Your contributi­on to society is placed in good stead.

I love the saying “The hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray.”


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