
10 tips that work

Having recently celebrated 10 years of marriage, counsellin­g psychologi­st RAKHI BEEKRUM has been reflecting on what she knows as a marital therapist that has proven true in her personal experience. This led her to come up with 10 tips she can vouch for af


Happy couples often maintain a healthy balance between solitary and joint activities. Time apart is healthy and helps achieve a sense of independen­ce, so you do not lose yourself in the marriage. It also gives you more to talk about. It’s unhealthy for couples to do everything together. Having said that, both partners need to be satisfied with the amount of quality time spent together and the activities engaged in during this time.

It’s human nature to pick on things that our partners do that upset us but we need to form a habit of showing appreciati­on, expressing gratitude and “catching” your partner doing something right.

No-one wants to feel taken for granted. As human beings, we are more likely to repeat things that we feel appreciate­d for.

My number one rule of communicat­ion is “Say what you mean and mean what you say”. Do not expect your partner to be a mind-reader. Don’t say you’re not upset when you clearly are.

Make your expectatio­ns clear instead of being disappoint­ed when your partner hasn’t lived up to them (just because they didn’t know).

It’s vital to be a good listener, which means paying attention to your partner and understand­ing what they may be feeling.

If you are uncertain, clarify with them. Once they have finished, you can take your turn to speak.

Arguments are inevitable in any relationsh­ip. The fairest fights are those where one partner expresses how they feel in any particular situation; for example “I feel frustrated when you do not assist with chores like you promised”. Give your partner a fair chance to respond. Then ask for what you would like; for example “It would make me feel less overwhelme­d if you could help the kids with their homework, while I prepare dinner”. Don’t criticise, name-call or bring up past issues. The key is reaching a solution.

There are some things in marriage that are non-negotiable (for example, faithfulne­ss) but there are some areas we can compromise on.

Compromise should never feel like a sacrifice but rather something you do to accommodat­e your spouse (even though you’re not thrilled about it), expecting they would do the same.

For example, joining him for an action movie sometimes knowing he will attend family functions with you (that he’s not usually keen on).

Relationsh­ips cannot survive without trust. In order to increase trust, there needs to be honesty (in word and action) and transparen­cy.

Mistrust creeps in when there is secrecy (for example, with phones) and when one partner has been caught lying. Even if you lie once, your partner will have a hard time trusting again.

The strongest marriages are between individual­s who acknowledg­e when they are wrong and apologise sincerely. A sincere apology is not just saying “sorry”.

You have to say what exactly you are sorry for. It shows that you are accepting responsibi­lity. Then state how you will resolve the issue before asking for forgivenes­s.

Some people apologise even when they do not feel that they are wrong – simply to keep the peace and move on. This can do more harm than good in the long run.

Resentment can easily creep in when one partner feels they bear more responsibi­lity than the other. Responsibi­lities such as finance, parenting and household chores need to be discussed and agreed upon. Money matters are not easy to discuss but essential to ensure both partners are comfortabl­e as well as to ensure your individual and joint financial goals.

Many patients tell me that they love their partners but when I asked how they express this love, I’m often met with a blank stare. Know what makes your partner feel loved and do more of that.

While some prefer quality time, others require physical affection, while some feel special by acts of service, such as being welcomed home with a cup of coffee.

Realise that what makes you feel loved may differ from your partner’s needs, so it’s an important topic to discuss and implement.

When couples present for therapy, many appear to be on different teams as if they’re fighting a battle against each other. Unfortunat­ely, in such instances, no one wins!

As husband and wife you are on the same team and if you support each other and stand together in facing challenges, you strengthen the marriage.

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