Saturday Star

Bully tactics now food for thought

Stakes higher as kids with life-threatenin­g allergies targeted


THEY thought it would be funny: during lunch, the boys threw peanuts at a fellow pupil with severe food allergies. The Los Angeles area fifthgrade­r was so sensitive to nuts that exposure might send him to hospital.

He said: “No, stop. That could kill me.” When he turned away to talk to a friend, one of the boys stashed peanuts in the container that held his lunch. Seeing the nasty trick, the allergic boy’s friends quickly grabbed the container and threw it away, possibly saving their friend from a terrible accident.

This incident from 2015 appeared on a website for families dealing with food allergies. The mother of the bullied boy was interviewe­d for this story but spoke on condition of anonymity.

Food is a prop for celebratio­n and for pranks. We throw rice at a wedding and a whipped-cream pie at a clown. But there’s nothing funny about it when bullies turn food into a weapon to frighten or harm those with allergies. Researcher­s have recently begun studying these incidents.

Bullying, harassing and teasing of children with food allergies seems “common, frequent, and repetitive,” concluded a 2010 study that surveyed 353 food-allergic teens, adults and the parents of food-allergic children.

Food allergies affect an estimated 15 million Americans, including 6 million children, according to advocacy group Food Allergy Research & Education. That amounts to one in every 13 young people in the classroom. The prevalence of food allergies among children rose to 5.1% in 2009-11 from 3.4% in 1997-99, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Eight foods seem to cause most reactions: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish. People with severe food allergies often carry lifesaving medication­s such as epinephrin­e injectors and must be extremely vigilant about their exposure to certain foods.

Sometimes even a small amount is all it takes to cause a reaction – and that small amount could be delivered in a bullying prank.

Several months ago, a Michigan college student had his face smeared with peanut butter, allegedly in a fraternity hazing that left him with swollen eyes. His father said the fraternity had been made aware that he was severely allergic. As a result, a fraternity member faces misdemeano­ur charges.

Bullying related to food allergies “elevates play into violence”, said Sandra Beasley, author of the food-allergy memoir Don’t Kill the Birthday Girl. Those responsibl­e, she said, know what damage they may be causing when they punch someone or hold a victim underwater. But with food allergies, they “may not recognise the physical consequenc­e of what they’re doing. They probably literally cannot measure it”.

Several years ago, paediatric­s professor Scott Sicherer noticed troubling stories from some of his patients at the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. Children would end up in tears because others had teased or threatened or criticised them about their food allergies. Some said that classmates had insisted they touch food containing an allergen dangerous to them. Parents were often unaware their children had been bullied.

Recognisin­g that bullying in general was becoming a problem, Sicherer and colleagues have focused on identifyin­g the prevalence and impact of food-allergy bullying. In a survey of 251 families from an allergy clinic, the researcher­s reported in a 2013 study in Paediatric­s, 31% of children reported being bullied or harassed specifical­ly because of food allergies.

While bullying or harassment caused the children great distress, only about half of the parents knew about it when it was occurring, the study found. Children’s quality of life improved when their parents knew of the bullying, researcher­s found.

Bullying occurs for a var- iety of reasons, depending on the age of the bully.

“In general, bullying can happen any time that somebody is different,” said Linda Herbert, an assistant professor in the Division of Psychology and Behavioura­l Health at Children’s National Health System. Sometimes bullying arises from ignorance, sometimes from a desire to exert power.

Very small children are often curious about peers’ being told to sit at nut-free tables and may question them about their special treatment. In primary school, an allergic child may be singled out at parties or activities that involve food and subjected to bullying.

As children grow older, they develop a wide range of bullying and teasing tactics, according to Herbert. Some will mock a person who has an allergy and is different. “I’ve even had kids who’ve had very active attacks against them,” Herbert said. In one case, she said, a bully wiped peanut butter on a child and taunted, “I dare you to die today.”

Sometimes, teachers can make the situation worse. “We were surprised to find that teachers were included on the list of perpetrato­rs,” Sicherer said. If a teacher singles out a child as the reason a party will be avoided or an activity missed, “maybe that doesn’t fall into the definition of bullying, but at least from the perspectiv­e of the child, it does,” he said.

In high school, Tori Appelt endured teasing because of her severe food allergies, but usually she and her friends buddied up and avoided those situations.

But Appelt, a 19-year-old first year at the University of Arizona who is a member of a teen advisory group, found the worst treatment in high school came from adults. A coach who knew about her condition joked that if she didn’t play well, she’d smear her face with peanut butter. To Appelt, who had been hospitalis­ed many times for life-threatenin­g reactions, there was little humour in that remark.

Appelt also had a teacher who seemed unmoved about the possible impact on her of a classroom experiment that involved making peanuts explode. Appelt explained that because exposure to nuts could make her sick, she probably shouldn’t even observe the experiment. Instead of devising a different experiment, her teacher told her to sit in the corridor. “That’s not the kind of bullying people usually see, but I think that’s a form of exclusion,” she said.

Beasley has found herself reduced to tears by insensitiv­e behaviour.

“I’ve experience­d people who congratula­te themselves on being ‘sensitive’ to my allergies by drawing drastic and disproport­ionate attention to them. They crack jokes with a big wink, to make clear we’re all in on the joke,” she said. But, she added, “when I offer my own cues for how I’d like to be accommodat­ed, they are ignored.”

She believes this is part of “a domineerin­g and callous personalit­y trait, which goes to the heart of determinin­g who has the potential to be a bully.”

Experts believe that bullying based on food allergies might be tempered by promoting awareness of the health consequenc­es of those allergies and the social consequenc­es of all types of bullying. “We learnt it’s important to talk about it,” Sicherer said.

What’s needed, according to Beasley, is for more adults to talk about their experience­s of food allergies and help diminish the sense of being different that leads to bullying. “That’s the thing that could be the game-changer.”

She said that some conditions have become more accepted when they are acknowledg­ed by admired figures. Soccer ace David Beckham has helped normalise asthma; Michael Phelps has done the same for attention-deficit/ hyperactiv­ity disorder.

The friends of the boy who alerted him to the nuts in his lunch container were recognised at a school awards assembly; the bully suspended.

Because food allergies are so much more prevalent than before, Herbert says: “My hope is as this generation gets older, these food allergies won’t be something that is cause for as much teasing and bullying. – The Washington Post

 ??  ?? School bullies stashed peanuts into the lunch box of a child who suffers from severe food allergies. Luckily the boy’s friends grabbed the container and threw it away.
School bullies stashed peanuts into the lunch box of a child who suffers from severe food allergies. Luckily the boy’s friends grabbed the container and threw it away.

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