Saturday Star

Disapprova­l of Trump narrows generation gap


WASHINGTON: In some ways, President Donald Trump has brought Tammy Kennedy and her daughter, Sue Ann, together on politics.

They don’t agree on every issue, Tammy supports abortion rights, for example, while Sue Ann opposes them. Even so, the two agree on most issues and disapprove of the way Trump is doing his job.

“I think we’ve talked about him in terms of immigratio­n,” said Tammy, 51, of Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigratio­n. “I can’t imagine my child being ripped away from me.”

“We do agree on his performanc­e,” Sue Ann, 18, said. They’re part of a majority of American young people and their parents who disapprove of the job the president is doing, a poll shows.

The survey conducted by the Associated PRESS-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and MTV found that 57% of parents and 73% of young people aged 15 to 26 disapprove of the president’s performanc­e.

The common ground doesn’t end there. The generation­s also agree that politics have become dysfunctio­nal, and both say they’re dissatisfi­ed with the two-party system.

On issues broadly, a 55% majority of young people and their parents say they usually see eye-toeye, and 31% say they debate things diplomatic­ally. Just 9% say they avoid talking politics, and only 5% say their debates turn into “World War III”.

And most say they agree with each other on a wide variety of individual issues, including feelings on the economy, healthcare, immigratio­n, racism and abortion.

The survey showed that online, especially, politics seeps into interactio­ns with extended family members. At least 20% young people and their parents say they have done the virtual equivalent of uninviting a family member by blocking them or unfriendin­g them because of a disagreeme­nt over politics. An equal percentage of both generation­s say they have been blocked or unfriended.

Mackenzi Curtis, 22, said she stopped following one older family member, who’s in his 60s, on Facebook over his posts about the students. Several students became gun control advocates after a gunman killed 17 people on February 14.

“I was thinking they’re pretty much bullying a teenager that’s been through a traumatic experience,” Curtis, a mother of two in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, said. “I think it has a lot to do with the difference in generation­s.”

Eleven percent of respondent­s say they have had a holiday gathering ruined over politics while about an equal percentage say they’ve decided not to attend a family event for the same reason. Seventeen percent say political disagreeme­nts inspired a relative to skip a family event.

The two generation­s are equally likely to engage on social media on the November 6 elections, the study found.

A quarter of parents and young people say they’ll post or comment on the midterms, and similar percentage­s say they share memes about the races.

That’s a key data point for the campaigns trying to rev up and drive voters to the polls.

By any measure, Trump revolution­ised Twitter as a political instrument before his 2016 upset over Democrat Hillary Clinton and during his presidency.

Ahead of the 2018 midterms, both parties are leveraging the power of social media, engagement and relationsh­ips as Republican­s defend their congressio­nal majorities and Democrats try to topple them.

Among parents and young people who say they aren’t of the same mind, young people say they tend to disagree with their parents most about racism, while their parents say the largest area of disagreeme­nt is gun control. Both generation­s tend to point to Trump and LGBT rights as sources of contention.

The generation­s say it can be hard to sway the other generation when difference­s exist, but not necessaril­y impossible.

Few young people and parents – only 11% overall – say they are always able to persuade each other to change his or her views. However, another 53% say they can sometimes do it.

Just 6% say they can always be persuaded, but 44% say they sometimes can be.

Larry Kapenstein, a 64-year-old retired postal worker in Middletown, Pennsylvan­ia, said that Trump most recently displeased his family by disinvitin­g the Philadelph­ia Eagles – this year’s Super Bowl champions – to the White House.

But while they agree on Trump, Kapenstein said one of his children can be hard to convince on taxes.

He’s coming to terms with where chunks of his pay cheque go and that can lead to the question of who’s to blame for that.

Hint: voters and the politician­s they elect.

“He just doesn’t understand why we have to pay taxes,” Kapenstein added.

“He’s just getting into the working world, but he just doesn’t get it.” – AP

 ??  ?? Parents and their kids are both displeased with President Donald Trump’s performanc­e.
Parents and their kids are both displeased with President Donald Trump’s performanc­e.

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