
Pilgrims prepare for holy Easter

Catholics to reflect on Christ’s resurrecti­on

- By Peter Ramothwala

Thousands of pilgrims will be flocking to their various churches to celebrate the resurrecti­on of Jesus Christ from the dead this Easter weekend.

This is a traditiona­l period of fasting and celebratio­ns.

Midrand Holy Trinity Catholic Church member Mathias Masebo said preparatio­ns were already under way to celebrate and reflect on the principles Jesus died for.

“Last week, as we were preparing for the Easter weekend, we started to preach to all the neighbouri­ng community around Midrand. We urge people to be delivered from all bad things and encourage people to forgive one another,” he said.

Masebo said people needed to be together and treat one another with humanity.

Masebo also represents the Malawi Community Catholic Church.

Congregant Adele Kayitare, 18, who has been an altar server for seven years, said the Easter weekend was a religious step for her, as she would be thanking Jesus Christ for His unselfishn­ess.

“He died for our sins. In honour of that I will be in church from Friday to Sunday, praying.

“It means that I celebrate the resurrecti­on of the Lord and also thanking him in preaching the gospel.

“I expect joy in a way that I will be praising God and holy Easter, which is spirituall­y uplifting,” she said.

Kayitare said she was born in a Catholic family and was taught to participat­e in church activities. “That’s how I became an altar server.”

Adele’s cousin, Eric Kayitare, 20, said Good Friday was the most important day in the Catholic calender.

Eric, also an altar server at the same church, said: “We are expected to come for confession and reflect more on Jesus’s gospel,” he said.

He said he hardly missed church and had been serving for 12-years. “I participat­e in the church activities. I plead with the youth to get more involved in the holy work.”

Eric said his duties included supporting tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying and ringing the altar bell.

A choir member, Letlhogono­lo Otokile, said a night vigil was planned for Friday as they would be rememberin­g how Christ laid down his life. “We have been practising special songs as we will be praising Jesus Christ. The man fasted for 40 days for our sins,” he said.

The Roman Catholic Church was founded in the first century, it has over 1-billion members worldwide.

‘‘ It means that I celebrate the resurrecti­on of the Lord

 ?? /MDUDUZI NDZINGI ?? Siblings Eric and Adele Kayitare are alter servers at the Malawi Community Roman Catholic Church in Midrand.
/MDUDUZI NDZINGI Siblings Eric and Adele Kayitare are alter servers at the Malawi Community Roman Catholic Church in Midrand.
 ?? / MDUDUZI NDZINGI ?? Paul Nkunika and Malawi congregati­on vice-chairman Mathias Masebo are in SA to celebrate the holy week at the Roman Catholic Church in Tembisa.
/ MDUDUZI NDZINGI Paul Nkunika and Malawi congregati­on vice-chairman Mathias Masebo are in SA to celebrate the holy week at the Roman Catholic Church in Tembisa.

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