Sunday Times

Mabola’s undergroun­d activity is above board

It is not true that there is diminishin­g transparen­cy around the granting of mining licences, writes Edna Molewa


IT has become necessary to correct misinforma­tion in the public space around the granting of an environmen­tal authorisat­ion to Atha-Africa Ventures to conduct coal mining operations in the Mabola region of Mpumalanga.

The environmen­tal authorisat­ion was issued in terms of section 48 of the National Environmen­tal Management: Protected Areas Act.

A number of allegation­s have been made by NGOs that the decision of the ministers of environmen­tal affairs and mineral resources was irregular, that due regard was not given to the environmen­tal impact of the mining activity, that the decision was taken in secret, and that the public were not consulted.

The government is ever mindful of the need to ensure that any developmen­t undertaken takes environmen­tal considerat­ions into account, and as such we have a comprehens­ive set of laws and policy instrument­s to ensure that all this country’s natural resources, including mineral resources, are managed in a sustainabl­e manner.

No permission for mining-related activity may be granted until the applicant has received authorisat­ions from the relevant organs of state that have jurisdicti­on in respect of the activity — including a wateruse licence, mining rights and an approved environmen­tal management plan, as well as an environmen­tal authorisat­ion.

Atha-Africa Ventures received all of these permission­s.

The Mabola region is both a critical water catchment area and a biodiversi­ty priority area. Thus, mining and its associated activities in this area are also strictly regulated in terms of our mining and biodiversi­ty guideline.

This guideline, formulated by the department­s of environmen­tal affairs and mineral resources, the Chamber of Mines, the South African Mining and Biodiversi­ty Forum and the South African National Biodiversi­ty Institute, identifies four categories of biodiversi­ty priority areas in terms of their importance, and the risk and implicatio­ns for mining therein.

Legally protected areas include nature reserves, national parks and special nature reserves where mining is prohibited.

Another category is a protected environmen­t, such as the Mabola region. This is the only category where mining may be allowed, with written permission from the two aforementi­oned ministers and under strict conditions.

This is not the first time mining has taken place in this area. Until 2011 the prospectin­g rights for Mabola were held by BHP Billiton. The area has been subject to numerous mining and prospectin­g interests, as several licences have been issued in the past.

The department­s of environmen­tal affairs and mineral resources have laid out strict conditions that the licence holder must meet.

From an environmen­tal perspectiv­e, these are, among others, that an environmen­tal management plan must be in place, that a plant-rescue and protection plan (with specific focus on conservati­on-important species) must be submitted to the department, that activities that may encroach on a water resource are not allowed without authorisat­ion from the Department of Water and Sanitation, that stringent and appropriat­e dust-suppressio­n measures and measures to mitigate and manage acid mine drainage must be applied, and that the licence holder must establish an environmen­tal management committee.

Atha-Africa Ventures must also submit quarterly compliance reports to the department on the status of conditions of the permit as well as on progress in meeting the targets of the draft Mabola environmen­tal management plan.

All of this has been taken into considerat­ion, so it is incorrect to say that the applicant has been granted permission to mine “with minimal caveats”.

The department is satisfied that, subject to compliance with the permit conditions issued to Atha-Africa Ventures, our decision will not conflict with the protected areas act, and that any potentiall­y detrimenta­l environmen­tal impacts can be mitigated to acceptable levels.

Concerns have also been raised about the public participat­ion process.

The mining right water-use licence applicatio­n and the environmen­tal authorisat­ion all have inherent public participat­ion processes spelt out in terms of their respective legislativ­e provisions.

However, section 48 of the protected areas act is not explicit about the requiremen­t of a public participat­ion process, except for the Promotion of Administra­tive Justice Act, which was fully complied with as required in the two processes mentioned above.

The legislatio­n also does not make provision for an internal appeal process to the ministers’ decision, but any aggrieved party may approach a relevant court to review the permission.

It is not true, therefore, that there has been diminishin­g transparen­cy around decisions on the granting of mining licences.

The mining sector continues to play a key role in the economies of Africa, and it has come a long way in pursuing actions that seek to avoid, minimise and mitigate the harmful impacts of mining on sensitive ecosystems.

The principle of sustainabl­e developmen­t guides our actions as a country as we seek to balance the need for environmen­tal conservati­on with justifiabl­e economic developmen­t.

Molewa is minister of environmen­tal affairs

Any aggrieved party may approach a court to review the permission

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