Sunday Times

Improve efficiency at work

- Margaret Harris

IT’S about 3pm, and you are exhausted. It takes all your willpower not to put your head on your desk so you can rest. Of course, you know this will not look good, but what can you do to revive yourself and make it through the rest of your working day?

Richard Andrews, the MD of Inspiratio­n Office, an office space and furniture consultanc­y, says managers and employees need to ensure that workers’ health and wellbeing are taken care of. He has the following advice:

Employees need to get up and move — even for only two minutes — every half hour. Get a drink of water, take a quick walk — just ensure you are not sitting at your desk hour after hour;

Be smart when it comes to what you eat and drink. Avoid sugary snacks and drinks, because they will give you a spike in energy followed by a sugar crash. “Berries, vegetables, nuts, wholegrain cereals, yoghurt and biltong are better than junky snacks. If you feel the need for something sweeter, a few squares of dark chocolate are a good compromise,” says Andrews;

Companies should pay attention to the messages they send when setting up an onsite bar or games consoles at work. “Rather than always spending funds on boozy nights out, introduce fresh fruit, flexible working, gym membership­s or healthy away days,” he says; and

Employers must ensure the work environmen­t is a place people want to spend time in — and must not add to their employees’ stress levels by setting unrealisti­c targets. “Efficiency levels can fall when staff are stressed, constantly reaching to meet high expectatio­ns, lacking in confidence or under the weather. Maintainin­g a friendly atmosphere, having clearly defined roles and setting realistic goals are essential for an efficient workspace,” Andrews says. —

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