Sunday Times

He loves watching the penny drop

Peter Kowalski is founding partner of FormFunc Studio, that distribute­s ergonomic office furniture. He tells Margaret Harris as an entreprene­ur, he has learnt the value of diplomacy and listening

- My Brilliant Career

What makes for a well-designed office chair?

Office chairs have become complex ergonomic tools that ask too much of the modern-day office worker. This complexity results in a lack of understand­ing and ultimately in a product that is used incorrectl­y. A chair that’s intuitive and adjusts to the user automatica­lly — without the use of a plethora of manual levers — solves the thirst of today’s workers for instant gratificat­ion. Solve that problem with as few materials as possible and the form will remain a timeless design that is also beautiful to look at.

What role, if any, does office furniture play in productivi­ty?

The days of linear rows of multiple open-plan desks are numbered. The modern-day office worker has technology that allows them to work from practicall­y anywhere. The lines between coffee shops, meeting rooms, kitchen counters and office spaces are being blurred, and today’s successful furniture solutions are those that recognise that productivi­ty is directly proportion­al to the flexibilit­y required by our millennial generation.

How did you end up doing the work you do?

In my previous life I was a workplace designer in London, working mostly for large architectu­ral firms that conceptual­ised and implemente­d corporate workplace strategies. During this time I learnt about the Humanscale brand of ergonomic office furniture and, in particular, the benefits of effective ergonomics in the workplace. When I returned to South Africa in 2008, I realised that South African consumers and corporates were living in the dark ages in terms of their knowledge of the science [of ergonomics].

What big work mistake led to an important lesson?

I believed for some time that my forthright approach (some people would call it a lack of tact) was my strength. I have grown up a little since then and have come to realise that there are times when diplomacy is necessary. Diplomacy is by no means my strength, but listening with two ears and speaking with one mouth is the biggest lesson I have learnt since embarking on my journey as an entreprene­ur.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

At the tender age of 10, I had a friend whose dad was a pilot in the South African Defence Force. A day trip in a helicopter had me dreaming of one day becoming a pilot. I still harbour ambitions of flying a plane one day, but suspect that I may need to sell a few more chairs and monitor arms to make that dream a reality.

What are monitor arms?

Neutral reclined postures are essential to computer users’ health and productivi­ty. However, these postures are difficult (if not impossible) to adopt if you cannot change the position of the screen on the desk. Monitor arms were designed specifical­ly to resolve this challenge and have become the cornerston­e of the modern ergonomic work station.

What do you enjoy most about the work you do?

Watching the proverbial penny drop during a presentati­on is hard to beat. We often confront people who are sceptical about the value of ergonomics to their businesses. However, there is a certain realisatio­n on a customer’s face that is priceless when they finally understand that we’re not furniture brokers but facilitato­rs of the health and wellbeing of the most important investment in any organisati­on — their human capital.

What is the best career advice you have ever received, and who gave it to you?

My last boss at a UK broadcasti­ng and media corporatio­n taught me how to get the best out of people. He gave me the freedom to express myself, work my own hours, and, as long as our team contribute­d to achieving his goals, he was happy. Turns out this freedom and trust is what made me happy and, in turn, brought the best out of me and my team. I use this philosophy today at FormFunc, and it seems to be working.

 ??  ?? NEUTRAL RECLINING: Peter Kowalski demonstrat­es some ergonomic furniture
NEUTRAL RECLINING: Peter Kowalski demonstrat­es some ergonomic furniture

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