Sunday Times




Your first clue that this is a home where nature has been given free rein? An entrance given over to a profusion of leafy houseplant­s. The considerab­le quantity of plants evokes the atmosphere of a Victorian botanist’s foyer.


The predominan­ce of clean lines and black, white and natural wood creates a serene atmosphere. Interest has been created by the textures and scale of the varying plants, some of which have beautifull­y patterned leaves. The sizes of the plants and pots are also varied and these have been interspers­ed with hanging plants, creating a captivatin­g installati­on.

Plants in image:

Asparagus fern, bird’s nest fern, button ferns, delicious monster, mother-in-law tongue, peace lily, philodendr­on (in plant stand), spider fern, tree fern.

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