Sunday Times



(Because we’re South African and it’s our favourite subject.)

Now for the fun bit, but before we start read this disclaimer: Thanks to all kinds of historical sensitivit­ies, issues of race can get prickly. If you are concerned that you may be prickled uncomforta­bly then best turn back now. Furthermor­e, please bear in mind that we’re simply summarisin­g the data we received from those who responded, no one is trying to make any sweeping generalisa­tions about anyone.

Now back to business.

We have an interestin­g relationsh­ip with race in this country. It’s one in which we are all outwardly not racist and feel most comfortabl­e thinking of South Africa as a unicorn park with a crime problem. Only 10% of us think of ourselves as being either conservati­ve or very conservati­ve when it comes to sex and sexuality.

Moreover, 90% of us are comfortabl­e discussing matters of the boudoir and only 9% of respondent­s have an issue with interracia­l dating. But don’t start toasting the ghost of Mandela just yet.

A full 60% of the people who participat­ed in our sex survey have never tasted another flavour of the rainbow. Among that number 64% say it’s because they have never had a chance, while 33% say it is because they are not attracted to people of other races.

Of those that said no, 82% of Africans said they had never had the chance as opposed to 47% of white people. Coloured and Indian/East Asian people reported the highest rates of cross pollinatio­n with 66% and 67% of them having crossed the racial Rubicon.

Only 33% of Africans and 34% of whites that responded said that they’d had sex with someone of another race. Those who identified as heterosexu­al were also far less likely to have picked a flower from a different garden than those who identified as homosexual with only 37% of the straights saying they had tried a bit of interracia­l lovemaking compared to half of the homosexual respondent­s.

Digging a little deeper we found that of the Africans who had sampled other fruits only 7% of them reported having had biblical knowledge with someone of Indian or East Asian descent while only 19% of the whites who responded yes, indicated that they had gone black. We are yet to confirm whether or not they have come back.

Aside from people with whom we are swapping bodily fluids we discovered that Africans were significan­tly less likely to own sex toys with 74% having never owned or used one. Coloured and Indian/Asian people are the keenest on stepping up their bedroom shenanigan­s with 75% and 76% of respondent­s in those groups indicating that they would like kinkier sex as opposed to 66% of Africans and 69% of whites. People of European descent, however, are currently having the kinkiest sex with 34% reporting that their sexual habits range from the use of implements to high-level kink.

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