Sunday Times

Platinum a leader in fuel cell technology


I AM writing in response to “Is this man platinum’s greatest threat?” (September 11). While we recognise that Elon Musk is a successful entreprene­ur, let’s ground this debate in fact.

In 2015, there were just over 330 000 battery electric vehicles sold around the world, some way short of the 88 million light-duty vehicle purchases in that year. In South Africa, sales of fully electric cars, introduced into the market in 2013, can be measured in the very low hundreds.

Battery-powered cars or battery electric vehicles are hampered by long charge times and low ranges. These will not disappear as issues. This explains the low consumer sales of BEVs and why 10-year forecasts predict only a 2% global market share for BEVs.

The assertion that battery electric cars are a panacea for global CO2 emissions is incorrect. Every BEV operated merely moves CO2 emissions from the car to the electricit­y power station. Much of our power generation, in most countries, comes from CO2-intensive fuels.

It was interestin­g that the article did not mention electric vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells or fuel cell electric vehicles. They offer considerab­le ranges and fast refuelling. They contain more than double the amount of platinum used in a standard diesel car. The hydrogen required can be produced in many ways, including from natural gas, the dedicated use of wind farms and nonpolluti­ng power sources.

It is also worth noting that, although Musk is focused on battery electric cars, many of the world’s largest vehicle producers are putting their weight behind fuel cell technology, as well as hybrids, which use considerab­le amounts of platinum group metals.

Platinum-based technology has been at the forefront of global emissions technology for more than 40 years. While we are far from complacent and recognise the emergence of new technologi­es and processes, we firmly believe platinum will remain in this position of leadership for decades to come. — Paul Wilson, CEO, World Platinum Investment Council, by e-mail

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