Talk of the Town

Photograph­s set the mood

- ... with Simon Oliver

MANY modern homes are decorated with very little to ensure that what is displayed, gets maximum attention.

As a result, most surfaces have very little on them, walls have few pictures and generally the home is uncluttere­d. I think there is a lot to be said for this but I come from the old school where I want to have things around me that give me a warm feeling and fond memories.

I mentioned in a previous article that a lot of my furniture talks to me about when and where we bought it or who gave it to us. This article is about photograph­s – of family, friends and places that have special meaning.

As I write this article, I think of the photograph­s at home that remind me of family around the world and people that are special to me that have died.

Some I want to share with friends and they go into the sitting room with a multitude of other things – from this you notice that I am not a minimalist!

While the pictures are personal, guests visiting us always look at them and often want to know more. In the B&B it often breaks the ice and makes our guests feel welcome and part of the family.

In my study I have pictures of the extended family that I want to think about – so important to those of us who have families all over the world. And then we keep special photograph­s of the immediate family next to our beds so that we see them when we go to sleep and as we wake up.

So here is the “chore” for the week. Sort out your photograph­s. Choose the ones that mean the most and get them up on the wall or into frames and placed where you will enjoy them.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please contact me on

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