The Citizen (Gauteng)

Commemorat­ing milestones in conflict

- For more informatio­n go to reflection­s

It’s been 100 years since the beginning of the First World War, 75 years since the Second World War and 20 since the genocide in Rwanda. This November and December, a series of lectures, films and panel discussion­s, as well as an exhibition and a theatre production, will be held to commemorat­e and reflect on these momentous world events and learn about the effect of war and violence on people, their influence on the developmen­t of modern warfare and the prevention and responsibi­lity to prevent war, genocide and mass atrocities.

From the Trenches of the Marne to the Hills of Rwanda: Reflection­s on 100 Years of War, Genocide and

Mass Violence is brought to Johannesbu­rg, Pretoria and Cape Town by the Alliance Française, the British Council, the European Union National Institutes for Culture, the Goethe-Institut, the French Institute of SA, the Johannesbu­rg Holocaust & Genocide Centre, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and the South African History Archive, together with a range of South African and European partners.

“This Reflection­s series uses history as a lens to highlight resonances between past and contempora­ry struggles for justice,” says Catherine Kennedy of the South African History Archive.

“The series of events will not only promote greater awareness of, and respect for, human rights and responsibi­lities but will also facilitate discussion­s about lessons we can learn from the past and how this can be applied in the present to strengthen democracy and equality in South Africa.”

Events will be held in various cultural institutio­ns, museums, education centres and universiti­es around Johannesbu­rg, Pretoria and Cape Town. The programme will include a theatre production, lectures and panel discussion­s by internatio­nal academics, authors and filmmakers, film series, education workshops and book discussion­s.

 ??  ?? MOOD. A still from the film Majub’sJourney. Pictures: Supplied
MOOD. A still from the film Majub’sJourney. Pictures: Supplied
 ??  ?? FEATURED. Rwandan writer and director Kivu Ruhorahoza.
FEATURED. Rwandan writer and director Kivu Ruhorahoza.

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